I am going to be heading on a journey from Wisconsin to California and back. I plan to try and see as much as I can on around two weeks of paid time off. I will skate at cool places and see neat things. I plan on hitting Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Tulsa, and Lawrence. If you are in the area and now of...
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Today, I decided to give myself a year to decide whether or not to continue using the site. I rarely come on here to look at the forums or fill out my profile. Mostly it's to glance at a few pictures each month and post a picture of something cool.

Yesterday was my little sister's 21st birthday. It seems weird to hang out with typical 21 year old girls. I do not dig new pop music and don't dance to it either. I don't feel like I'm old, just that I've never been into the typical things most people enjoy doing at bars. Give me a awesome live band and I'll dance. Before I go...
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Well back to being single again. It was a fun adventure for the most part, but we definitely were not meant for each other. Still looking for someone who really gets me... Until then I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
Finally got around to watching the 3 seasons of Game of Thrones. After seeing the South Park episode that pokes fun at it, when ever I hear the opening music, I can hear the South Park a capella version. Spoiler alert: There isn't all that many wieners being shown.

I feel like I should write more in my blog, but I'm not on here as much as I used to be and forget to. Things that have happened recently are going to Riot Fest and other great shows. Meeting Laura at Riot Fest and getting into a relationship because of it. She's pretty cool. Works at a gas station and gives me all the...
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