Im soooooo tired. I hate being tired. And Liz Im sorry for yelling at you on the phone last night....I just don't like being woke up at night when I have school the next morning. But I didn't mean to be rude or act like i didn't care about what is going on w/ you, because i do. Welllll on another crappy note...a friend of mine got $800 stolen from his own damn house (jordan) for those of you who know him. Apparently they had people over saturday night and this girl brought her new boyfriend over. Now this girl is known for dating really shitty people, and it doesn't make any sense because she is a really cool person. Well this guy was the only person over that night who we all didn't know, and so it makes sense to say that this guy stole the money. Not only that he stole a bunch of DVDs from someone else who lived there. Or tried to anyway. He left a bunch of them by this shed outside their house... I guess he just took the ones that he wanted or something and left the rest. I just think it's a sad fucking day when you obviously can't have people over at your own house anymore, becasue of the fact that they might STEAL something. I mean jordan doesn't really like having people over that much anyway, its the other people he lives with that like having people over. When I found out I was just really really shocked because I never thought I would know anyone to do something like that. I mean I guess no one really knew the guy, but come on he fucked his girlfriend over by stealing from her fucking friends. I just feel really bad for jordan. I mean its not like this guy stole $ was 800 goddamn would take me fucking forever to save that. I guess Texas is right...Kansas City does have some shitty people in it.

i can't believe that. jordan is such a good person for something like this to happen, not that it's good for this to happen to anyone. i like texas' idea about everyone chipping in who hangs out there regularly. it is known as the hang out house, that's why i always feel bad just stopping by. but i wasn't there when the guy in suspect was there, so i don't know about that part.