gettin ready to head to San Francisco to go to the Nintendo Convention with my neighbors. I guess we get to play test the Wii U for an hour or so.
I paid off my truck loan today. Thank fuckin god, that thing has been dragging me down for seven long years.
Home alone yet again, though i'm not complaining. Its just that the only time I get to come and enjoy or try to enjoy the site is when Jen is gone. She went from wanting to be an SG to hating the site because...well...
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Home alone yet again, though i'm not complaining. Its just that the only time I get to come and enjoy or try to enjoy the site is when Jen is gone. She went from wanting to be an SG to hating the site because...well...
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dude! paying of the vehicle is one of the best feelings ever. now you gotta make that shit last another 10 years...thats the real challenge.
yeah, well with gas prices where they are I'm going to need something with a smaller engine soon so that might not be to much of a challenge. Although, for a V8 it gets decent mileage.
home alone and drunk, Jen is in Reno for our friends bachelorette party. Police sirens are going off every few minutes, its weird... This is usually such a quiet town. i wonder whats going on out there. Its probably drunk idiots down town, which is my new back yard since we moved into this apartment smack dab in the middle of he city. I thought...
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Some great sets have gone up this week! I need to pick my jaw up off the floor!!
Ive been getting ready to move for a few weeks now, packing can suck my balls. Ive thrown away and sold more shit than I even knew I had! Two more weeks and im done in my new place with Jen and no more roommates. But having a 90lb dog in a 2nd floor apartment is gunna suck. Why the hell cant I get another...
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Happy Birthday to me!!
thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
kisses and hugs!
thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
kisses and hugs!
Might be getting a new job soon, if all goes well I wont have to work with asbestos anymore! Keeping my fingers crossed.
Thank you rain for the last 2 days off work. I needed that, although the lost pay sucks but oh well I got to sleep in!
Thanks so much for liking my recent set in member review and commenting ! (: Hope you have gotten more days to sleep in lately .
Thanks so much for liking my recent set in member review and commenting ! (: Hope you have gotten more days to sleep in lately .
Thank you Friday! So glad the week is over. Works been so fuckin slow it feels like a 16 hour day insteaad of an 8. Oh well, at least I have a job...right?
work suckssss but we gott pay the bills right?
thank you for your comment!!
thank you for your comment!!
3D tv's are the shit! I can watch regular tv in 3D...and video games, yeah