I've wanted to join this community for awhile and now I have finally decided to just jump in and do it. I have spent my life usually being the "odd friend" or the "outsider". Even my family thinks of me as the "rebel" and "black sheep". I don't fit in with the other "soccer mom" types and was never able to really make friends with the other moms at my kids schools, which is another reason I like to homeschool. I now know other moms that accept me and all my quirkiness. While the friends I've had for a long time love me for who I am, I have found it difficult to make new friends, I just usually end up scaring people off. Which is one of the reasons I like this community (that and of course all the GORGEOUS women!). I like the idea of a place where I can be myself, not be ashamed of my quirky personality and maybe even make some friends.
Pleased to meet you. Any questions, feel free to ask. Looking forward to getting to know you.