Thank you . She's hanging in there. This flare up is a nasty one and we just can't seem to get control of it. Last night her insomnia had her up until sometime after midnight and she was up again early this morning. And her fevers are spiking all over the place, making her pain harder to control. But she's being as tough as she can and we are powering through it. I've been spending so much time taking care of her, my hair has been in pretty much a permanent ponytail, which is why I just decided to chop it short. This way it still be cute even when I'm in full mom mode .
When life gets rough, get baking! No seriously, try it!
I find baking something yummy and delicious incredibly soothing. To quote one of my favorite movies Julie and Julia
I love that after a day when nothing is sure and when I say "nothing" I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and... Read More
Sounds like a great fix actually. I try to get lost into my drawings.
Baking definitely sounds productive. Plus you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor
And the daily routine begins again! It's our first day diving back into school work after a long winter break. Homeschooling definitely has it's advantages and disadvantages. It's a lot of work, but we have a lot more give to our schedule. For example, I didn't sleep well and when my alarm went off at 7am I was able to growl and turn it off... Read More
I've wanted to join this community for awhile and now I have finally decided to just jump in and do it. I have spent my life usually being the "odd friend" or the "outsider". Even my family thinks of me as the "rebel" and "black sheep". I don't fit in with the other "soccer mom" types and was never able to really make friends with... Read More
You've come to the right place. I suspect if you look around hard enough you'd find pretty much every range of the spectrum, even politically, from the right wingers (and yes they're here) to the very progressive. If you want to meet like-minded people, those who share your artistic or other passions or SG members from your geographical area you might want to check out the groups and find some to join.
Pleased to meet you. Any questions, feel free to ask. Looking forward to getting to know you.
Thank you . I plan on browsing through the groups and see which ones I want to join. I like that the community is so ecclectic, something for everyone. A site that promotes what makes us individuals and unique and naked women, what could be better!?!