well it is mid aug. we should be coming home in afew months. we have not been doing to good. we have been getting hit alot. but we cant wait to get the job done and go home. I cant wait to get home and see eveyone. I have new friends from here that I want to go and see if I can.
glad you enjoyed my up close and personal set and I really like #10 too it's one of my favorites lol The scrunchy face lol hehe but thanks love I really appreciate it!!!
so here I sit in the sand box listening to dropkick murphys. daydreaming of getting home and seeing my friends. also look for a house so that I can have a place to call home. even though we are 5 months out it still seams so far away at times. some of the guys comming off of thier r and r say that people are...
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Dang sorry to hear your going to miss your best friends wedding frown Thats awesome about the house though yay!
well I have 2 more reasons I cant wait to get the fuck out of the army. first someone through away some of my mail. that is so fucked up. I wonder how much they kept. second my so called buddie goes back to the fob. checks his mail but doesnt bother to see if I have any even though I asked him to. what...
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Aw. I hope you didn't miss anything important. That's just awful.
hey, thanks for the comment on my set smile
well happy birthday to me .happey birthday to me. fuck I am still in iraq. skull skull
Happy Birthday!! biggrin
well here I am again.things are getting alittle hot here but that is life. We are just trying to do our job and survive so we can come home. I dont have much to come home to anymore but that is life i guess. I am working long hours and trying to keep myself busy. so I dont realize how alone I am. but I...
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That's awesome that you want to act. I've got a number of friends who pursued photography in school -- they loved it.
well sorry this one is going to be short. I am happy to say I have around 5 months left then I am home in the states. I am hoping to get some of my friends to show up at the airfield so I have some one waiting for me when I get home. this is my third and last deployment and would like that...
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well 5 months to go! How was your weeked hopefully fun! Mine was okay I prepped my set and uploaded it for SC Sunday today so my day was eventful as well as starting my second job I'm a newley coffee wench whoo whoo lol!
so here we are again. At the mighty legion cop. just kickin back and eating the same thing everyday. and the gov. wonders why we come home and have pstd. shit eat amry spegetti every day for damn near a 7 months now. but fuck it. I am almost out of this place and the army. then I can have my mohawk again.. at least...
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Isn't it funny how the best friends are made in a mosh pit?

You stay classy. wink
well I am single now buttat is life. Ihave added new pics so enjoy.
thanks for the add!
oh thank you so much for the compliment on my eyes your so kind! I hope they except the set for SC Sundays when I upload it wouldn't that be nice lol?! And I so know what you mean on the being single I'm newly single myself it blows and not in a good way biggrin haha wink
Hi all
Well here is a full review of everything. We lost another guy about 4 weeks ago. About 2 weeks ago I was gunning in a bradley fighting vehicle. On the way back from the mission the tank in front spoted an efp we destoried it then I killed the triggerman. Then we moved out to head in. the tank was hit by to...
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Hello everyone yes I am alive still saddly. I did get blown up the other day. I am alright not even a scrach. but I am tied and ready to come home.