well here we are again. the month of january is going by fast. Soon it will be valintines day. the worest day of the year. I hate the day so much. but that is all good. I will be home to see my family and friends and that is all that matters.

it sucks I still dont get much mail here. but that is life...
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It has its advantages too tho smile i love ink.. if you get some you must post pics!
I already have 5 already but want to get more.
so the days are going by fast. soon I will be on leave and in wonderful wierd austin. I cant wait to get there. but until then I am workin my little bony white ass off. I will be learning to drive a bradley soon so that means I get to go out into sector more. I cant wait. Plus get to go out as...
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the best I can grow as I am in the army and cant have to long of hair.
that is fab! My brother was in Iraq2 for 18 months i know its scary as hell to do what you guys do! * Hugs* love
so here I am no shit. I actually had two people read my blog. I was able to get some coffee over at the toc. had my room all nice and shit. I now have to move to another building. this shit sucks. but it is life. instead of havin one roommate I will have two. Mother fuck. well at least I wont have to...
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i find it interesting reading your blog. It sounds like you have my luck.. with the moving your stuff and theirs!
I'll send ya a care package babe!
-bearn love
NO shit here I am sittin in a tin building next to sadr city iraq. just got up and cant fix some coffee. What the fuck. Writen this blog wonderin if any one will read the damn thing. Well who gives a fuck anyway if they do or dont. I guess this is for me just to rant about things anyway. me and my soldier...
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sorry about the coffee. frown
Im sorry dear. but i must say that I appreciate your work over there! and Wish you safety and well being
well here is another log from the negative man. well I am working on stopin smokin, they put me on an antidepresant to help me. plus I am alittle to eager to fight. but i am doing good for a change only if my ps2 would let me watch movies with out skipping.
I just would like to get some mail over here. so if...
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well it is the evening of the 26th. xmass was okay. none of our guys got hurt . we did have to spend some time in the bunkers again today but not long. It kind of sucked though have not gotten any mail really. I got one package so that was good. I hope all of my friends on here had a great xmass and...
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