Wow - has been a while since I've posted...i guess money does make you happy! - oh..yeah...but still can't buy you love...arse.
So - shit loads has happened...i got this 6K from the ex's parents for my part of the house and things just kinda started to go right again.
First off - met this girl called Moran - shes nice man, but I've only met her the once. she works with one of my friends. I met her in the pub and we kinda got on quite well..eventually everyone left - bar me and her, so we had a couple of pints and a game of pool and then went to hers.
She has this dope apartment over the other side of town which we went back to. Now-nothing happened in the right sense if you know what i mean, but we had a long talk about things and had a look through her photos which was cool as I've just started to get in to photography (I'll mention more in a sec) and she used to work for a few camera magazines, so it was dope.
Anyway since then she's told me shes not really in to any boy related stuff at the moment as she just split up with her bloke about a month ago - gutted, but we've been emailing each other since but i think I've put my foot in it again. as ever. i said something stupid in an email and now shes pissed off with me and won't email me back. (remember i've only met her the once.) so, i really like her - but i think I've been a little full on. arse.
Work is going a bit shit, i had a week holiday and then had a week off ill cos i came down with this cold/flu thing. now i was kinda making it sound a little worse than it was, and really i should of only had 2 days off - but i went for the 3 1/2, and feel a little guilty for it now. oh well - but ever since then work has been difficult - not cos of the guilt, hell no. got over that after like a day, but cos it seems like everyone at work is in a bad mood recently, topped with the fact I've been caught a couple of times blatently not working. again...arse.
BUT - I got a 36 inch TV for 150 which was cool, however i can't fit it up the stairs to go in my room cos it's too big, and it now sits in my friends bedroom on the floor below.
managed to blag a new mobile phone for free, so i how have a nokia 6600, which has video and games and a colour screen and a camera...great!
I have also bought a 2nd hand Nikon FM2 from ebay for 200, cam with a few extension tubes and a 135mm lens. My brother wants me to be the photographer at his wedding which is wicked, but i need to know how to use the camera first.
I'm going to Philly mid April - will be the first time in the states. I hooked up with Jon who's an old friend of mine, I had lost contact with him so i knew part of his email address and had to guess the last part of it - so 100 emails later and i finally get it right. He's living in Philly and said come over. and everything kinda seems right for me at the moment to go away for a week. I have enough money (just got a bonus from work, a pay rise and have just paid off a massive 5K loan), i managed to get more time off work, and i just hooked up with Jon. I have to renew my passport as i haven't had one for about 2 years now, and i've been really lame at getting it done - I've had all the paper work since mid last year and just haven't been assed to send it off. So I'm off to London this Sat to get it all sorted out, but it's gonna cost me another 100 for trains and passport, oh well.Still means I'll have about $800 when i got to the US and a nice new credit card. Maybe i shouldn't be flaunting how plush i am at the moment and where i'm going to be and at what dates - ah fuck it.
So I'll be there 14-21 April if anyone know anything cool happening around philly / NY at that time - please get in touch and let me know.
Also - the whole going away (first time without parents) thing has made me want to get good at photography, so I've been buying essentials like a flight case for my camera, and a soft case for when I'm walking around and other bits and pieces. I snapped away a couple of films today, and will get them developed tomorrow at this place i found just round the corner from where i work who are meant to be quite good. I know quite a few people in Brighton who are well in to their photography too, so I'll be asking them really stupid questions I would imagine.
Oh - my ex girlfriend started to phone me the other day too, while she was pissed up...really pissed me off. But it was good in the way that it kinda clarified in my mind that it was the right thing to do, splitting up with her.
I've almost got laid twice since i split up with her, but I've stopped it both times. not cos I'm not ready or anything like that, but because the people who tried to pull me were both...well...not the kida people i want to shag. but I'm still feeling sorry for myself with the lack of sex.
So - what else...there is so much stuff still that has happened - like my friends going away to India and the massive weekend long part we had for them, the zombie film that my flat mate is doing (I'm clapper man - but may have fucked up the dates off work - fuck), the other zombie film which my mate is in (Shaun of the dead) is coming out just after i go to the states, how i took a week off work for holiday and ended up visiting family and it not being a holiday at all (still - guess you have to do the family thing every now and again, and i hadn't done it for ages so it's kinda cool), the amount of week I've smoked - incredible, the number of new people I've met recently..well ok not that many cool people, but definately a few people that i want to and prob will bump in to again...ahhh...too much stuff.
damn - thats like an essay....
so I'm great - how are you?
oh - I've been doing these weird short stories/stream of consciousness with a theme type things on an old type writer my friend paul gave me...they are pretty fucked up to tell the truth, but I might post one of the less make-you-look-like-a-psycho type ones up soon...we'll see...
So - shit loads has happened...i got this 6K from the ex's parents for my part of the house and things just kinda started to go right again.
First off - met this girl called Moran - shes nice man, but I've only met her the once. she works with one of my friends. I met her in the pub and we kinda got on quite well..eventually everyone left - bar me and her, so we had a couple of pints and a game of pool and then went to hers.
She has this dope apartment over the other side of town which we went back to. Now-nothing happened in the right sense if you know what i mean, but we had a long talk about things and had a look through her photos which was cool as I've just started to get in to photography (I'll mention more in a sec) and she used to work for a few camera magazines, so it was dope.
Anyway since then she's told me shes not really in to any boy related stuff at the moment as she just split up with her bloke about a month ago - gutted, but we've been emailing each other since but i think I've put my foot in it again. as ever. i said something stupid in an email and now shes pissed off with me and won't email me back. (remember i've only met her the once.) so, i really like her - but i think I've been a little full on. arse.
Work is going a bit shit, i had a week holiday and then had a week off ill cos i came down with this cold/flu thing. now i was kinda making it sound a little worse than it was, and really i should of only had 2 days off - but i went for the 3 1/2, and feel a little guilty for it now. oh well - but ever since then work has been difficult - not cos of the guilt, hell no. got over that after like a day, but cos it seems like everyone at work is in a bad mood recently, topped with the fact I've been caught a couple of times blatently not working. again...arse.
BUT - I got a 36 inch TV for 150 which was cool, however i can't fit it up the stairs to go in my room cos it's too big, and it now sits in my friends bedroom on the floor below.
managed to blag a new mobile phone for free, so i how have a nokia 6600, which has video and games and a colour screen and a camera...great!
I have also bought a 2nd hand Nikon FM2 from ebay for 200, cam with a few extension tubes and a 135mm lens. My brother wants me to be the photographer at his wedding which is wicked, but i need to know how to use the camera first.
I'm going to Philly mid April - will be the first time in the states. I hooked up with Jon who's an old friend of mine, I had lost contact with him so i knew part of his email address and had to guess the last part of it - so 100 emails later and i finally get it right. He's living in Philly and said come over. and everything kinda seems right for me at the moment to go away for a week. I have enough money (just got a bonus from work, a pay rise and have just paid off a massive 5K loan), i managed to get more time off work, and i just hooked up with Jon. I have to renew my passport as i haven't had one for about 2 years now, and i've been really lame at getting it done - I've had all the paper work since mid last year and just haven't been assed to send it off. So I'm off to London this Sat to get it all sorted out, but it's gonna cost me another 100 for trains and passport, oh well.Still means I'll have about $800 when i got to the US and a nice new credit card. Maybe i shouldn't be flaunting how plush i am at the moment and where i'm going to be and at what dates - ah fuck it.
So I'll be there 14-21 April if anyone know anything cool happening around philly / NY at that time - please get in touch and let me know.
Also - the whole going away (first time without parents) thing has made me want to get good at photography, so I've been buying essentials like a flight case for my camera, and a soft case for when I'm walking around and other bits and pieces. I snapped away a couple of films today, and will get them developed tomorrow at this place i found just round the corner from where i work who are meant to be quite good. I know quite a few people in Brighton who are well in to their photography too, so I'll be asking them really stupid questions I would imagine.
Oh - my ex girlfriend started to phone me the other day too, while she was pissed up...really pissed me off. But it was good in the way that it kinda clarified in my mind that it was the right thing to do, splitting up with her.
I've almost got laid twice since i split up with her, but I've stopped it both times. not cos I'm not ready or anything like that, but because the people who tried to pull me were both...well...not the kida people i want to shag. but I'm still feeling sorry for myself with the lack of sex.
So - what else...there is so much stuff still that has happened - like my friends going away to India and the massive weekend long part we had for them, the zombie film that my flat mate is doing (I'm clapper man - but may have fucked up the dates off work - fuck), the other zombie film which my mate is in (Shaun of the dead) is coming out just after i go to the states, how i took a week off work for holiday and ended up visiting family and it not being a holiday at all (still - guess you have to do the family thing every now and again, and i hadn't done it for ages so it's kinda cool), the amount of week I've smoked - incredible, the number of new people I've met recently..well ok not that many cool people, but definately a few people that i want to and prob will bump in to again...ahhh...too much stuff.
damn - thats like an essay....
so I'm great - how are you?
oh - I've been doing these weird short stories/stream of consciousness with a theme type things on an old type writer my friend paul gave me...they are pretty fucked up to tell the truth, but I might post one of the less make-you-look-like-a-psycho type ones up soon...we'll see...
PS: don't be offended if you come back to my journal but I'm going to erase your post. Yes, I'm THAT paranoid. Oh, and the lack of sex is getting to me too
Cheers mate