hey everyone!!! so things are going super well!!! i'm so fucking happy...more then i have ever been!!! SINCITYPUNK is soo great to me...this is the most stable relationship i've ever been in!!! i never thought i'd meet someone who actually treated me like a person and respects me!!! he's not an abusive or addictive person and it's so weird...weird good...obviously, but he's the best thing that's happened to me!!!!! but now that i know he's somewhat normal it just makes me relalize that i have issues i need to work on!!! haha i'm fucked up and he still stays, now that's love...haha and to think i met him SG...of all places...thank god i had no life and all i did was play on the comp..haha!!! anyway guys hope everyone is well...love to all!!! xoxo
oh yeah and everyone congrat BADASSDADDY....he's engagged!!! woohoo!!!
also we should all get together...we all talk why don't we go out....at least we all know we're hot shit..haha!!!

oh yeah and everyone congrat BADASSDADDY....he's engagged!!! woohoo!!!
also we should all get together...we all talk why don't we go out....at least we all know we're hot shit..haha!!!
oh my god i feel soooo much better now that i quit, i dont wake up coughing, or walk and feel winded. i love it