Hey punks...what's up? So I figured it's time to update!!! So I'm forsure not moving!!! I went to Milwaukee and had the most horrible time of my life!!! It was like I was in whitetrash central....I totally did not fit in and everything reminded me of my dad...who's dead!!! It was an awful feeling....I'm glad to be back even though it's a 100 fucking degrees outside already!!! Also I went to a job interview to be a cake decorator and they were only going to pay me $7.00/hour!!! Lame!!!! Anyway I got to hang out with TaTpUnKgUrL13 , she came out to Vegas on Monday!!! It was soo fucking great to see her...I miss her sooo much!!! Oh yeah I got my tatt filled in...so it's almost done...but the guy that's doing it is sooo slow...he's good but damn too slow!!! Well kids that's about it for now!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!! XoXo Karli

Welcome home!