So I guess it's time I!!! The concert was fucking great...saw Rise Against, Lit, and Unwritten missed Goldfinger...we were all to drunk to realize was time it was and left late..haha!!! Got some really good pics of Lit and Unwritten Law!!! My friends and I felt sooo fucking old everyone was like 14-17!!! Then there was us drunk old wow crazy!!! However by the time the show was over my backpack was wide open and my M.A.C. compack, cigs, and phone were gone!!! I almost fucking lost it and of course I couldn't smoke a cig cuz they got jacked too!!! So we called my phone about 20 times and the fuckers answered but didn't say anything...then it was turned off!! So about an hour later my friend gets a phone call from my I answer and I'm like WTF dude you have my phone...I need it back...don't have the money to get a new one. So this kid sounds about 16...and he says...oh I found your phone on the ground and picked it up!!! So I told him to meet me somewhere and I'd give him 20 bucks to give it back!!! He said okay...and we met and he gave me my phone back!!! I was soo fuckin stoked...what are the odds of that shit happening...I guess I'm having good karma!!! Soo happy I have it back!!! Anyway now that I've wrote a long entry I'll bring it to a closing...How was everyone else's weekend???
Karli aka Mohawk Obsessed
Karli aka Mohawk Obsessed

YO! how much for a cookie?