ahhhhhhhh i just want to scream!!! why do i love people that are all wrong for me!!!! so i was going to see my friend in illinois...well he'd be more then a friend if we were closer, but anyway...i was going to go see him next weekend and i can't!!! he's fucking in jail...for beating the shit out of this guy!!! and the worst part about it is that he's has 2 priors sooo he's pretty much FUCKED!!!! i know that he needs to learn, but this is shitty...he was doing so much better!!! omg when the fuck am i going to learn....we've known each other for 7 years and i love him more then i've loved anyone...ugggg...i'm ready to pull my hair out!!!!! why is it that i always get into fucked up relationships!!! please someone tell me i'm not the only one!!!

how is work going>>>