I am to the point of frustration. I do not even know where to begin or even where to start. Working in the Human Resource field I see and hear the craziest things, then I try to figure out what the fuck was this person thinking. It always comes down to most people do not think before they jump off the deep end and end up drowning themselves. They do not understand what their actions are going to do to others around them. How do you teach someone to stop and think first? I always get the response that so and so made me do it or I thought it would be funny. I think that everyone has lost their minds, they are so programed to only go by what is in it for me? A majority of the time this train of thought does not work. Do you really think it is ok to moon a fellow employee on the sales floor and really think that you are not going to get in trouble because it was just a joke? I am to the point that I really want to give up on people in general.