Wow I think I actually have things to say this time! Hmm lets see..I pulled a double at work yesterday and my back is killing me right now.
Hopefully it'll be worth it though
I needed to grab a couple of extra days this pay period (I get paid every 2 wks sucks ass but it's good pay and benefiets for being part time anyway. Excellent for full timers hopefully I get that soon).
Anywho, I needed extra cash my b-day is coming soon and an old friend I have seen since High school is playing in his band that weekend up north. He invited me up to see the show and is gonna try to get some of our other friends out there too. It'll be so cool to see the old gang again lol I bet I don't recognize half of them I'm gonna feel like such an ass!
I also been tinikering on this other site the last few days or so. It seems kinda cool alot of you may already know about it. It's like SG and myspace put together lol. It's called Inked Nation you can find me here if ya want. I don't do alot with it but I just found it so who knows I may end up there all time in the future.
Sheesh this is getting long so maybe I 'll save the rest for another entry it's not that exciting anyway...
Fuck Halflife!
Useless Fact:Almonds are members of the peach family.

Anywho, I needed extra cash my b-day is coming soon and an old friend I have seen since High school is playing in his band that weekend up north. He invited me up to see the show and is gonna try to get some of our other friends out there too. It'll be so cool to see the old gang again lol I bet I don't recognize half of them I'm gonna feel like such an ass!
I also been tinikering on this other site the last few days or so. It seems kinda cool alot of you may already know about it. It's like SG and myspace put together lol. It's called Inked Nation you can find me here if ya want. I don't do alot with it but I just found it so who knows I may end up there all time in the future.
Sheesh this is getting long so maybe I 'll save the rest for another entry it's not that exciting anyway...

Fuck Halflife!

Useless Fact:Almonds are members of the peach family.
Useless fact i found to return the favor: months that begin with sunday will always have a friday the 13th
is it wierd i love those little roasted almond slices from wendy's that keep almost indefinitely but cant stand the actual -food?
enjoy the show and yall party hard