Alright this post is mainly about games as thats were my focus is at this second. Just finished Dead Rising 2 in Co-op and even got through overtime. Me and my mate put roughly 20 hours into it and have not even really scratched the surface. i would love to put more time into it as it clearly is a 50 plus hour game. But this is the fall so there is a plethora of titles to pick up. On my shelf is Enslaved, Castlevania, Medal Of Honor, Batman Arkham Asylum( G.O.T.Y edition), and Lego Harry Potter. Coming soon is Fallout New Vegas, that will be put to the top of the pile, Fable 3 and Star Wars TFU 2.
But alas Im trying to concetrate on my writing more and when faced with a pile of games to play I make it a point to leave the house as much as possible. Cant be a shut in as much as i want to be. Ho-Hum!
I also watched a couple direct to DVD horror sequels this week. The First was 30 Days of Night: Dark Days. It wasnt the worst thing ever unless you read and liked the original miniseries, then it is horrible and yet Steven Niles worte the script. Just kinda sad>
The second was Lost Boys The Thirst, I knew what it was going into it and it was enjoyable. It is more of a direct sequel than the last one. It is cheesy in every facet but I still enjoyed it.
Oh wells, stuff to do.
But alas Im trying to concetrate on my writing more and when faced with a pile of games to play I make it a point to leave the house as much as possible. Cant be a shut in as much as i want to be. Ho-Hum!
I also watched a couple direct to DVD horror sequels this week. The First was 30 Days of Night: Dark Days. It wasnt the worst thing ever unless you read and liked the original miniseries, then it is horrible and yet Steven Niles worte the script. Just kinda sad>
The second was Lost Boys The Thirst, I knew what it was going into it and it was enjoyable. It is more of a direct sequel than the last one. It is cheesy in every facet but I still enjoyed it.
Oh wells, stuff to do.