A Short story From A Novel I abandoned awhile ago
My luck seems to be changing, I woke up in the same place I fell asleep. It was still dark and I have no idea how much time passed. But the moon wasn't as high. Still I could see despite the lack of lights.I didn't have to feel my way around in the dark of the desert, not that was anything to feel. The wind picked up as I slowly started to get moving,slowly at first but then I began to jaunt. I began thinking of what my next move would be, I wasn't much of a nature person and being stuck out in the desert didn't seem to ideal to me. But going to the nearest town wasn't that bright either. I truly am stuck in a Godless random universe.
Then I saw something, a dark shape of a figure. It was moving sluggishly through the void of night. It was soon joined by one more than two more, then they begin six, then seven. Finally there were at least thirteen of them in sight. All lifelessly moving towards something. I held back but began to follow them. As I got closer I began to smell the stench of death that all corpses had, now don't go jumping the gun. If I hear you even thinking the Z word its the end of the story for ya. They had to be like Gibb, they had to be. I got closer due to my curiosity and they looked as bad as they smelled. In all fairness they at least knew where they were going.
I followed them for what seemed like several hours before a light appeared in the distance. I was apparently on a plateau or something cause the light was descended down from where I was. I ran ahead, not getting in the way of the things that lead me. But I nearly fell of the ledge that I was on cause I wasn't being careful. I caught myself before I fell though and as I looked ahead I saw the source of the light. There was two long rows of torches, that stood several feet and flanked a long dirt path leading to a large white building with a steeple. I had found a church. The creatures from the dark barely kept their balance as they lumbered down the hill. They were headed for the church and I followed.
It took a few more moments before reaching the path and the dark creatures were further ahead of me, they were almost on the building by this point.I didn't want to rush, it is possible the creatures could be heading towards some innocent people looking to hurt them or maybe freaking eat them. They could also be heading towards friends or something worse. I slowly moved down the path, looking back with every step forward, I was out in the open and exposed. I inched forward watching the church get bigger and bigger as I got closer. I was halfway down the path when the torches back where the path began went out. I turned and looked, there was nothing back there. Then the next set went out, then the next and the next. I began to run as the torches began to extinguish themselves. I was so focused on out running the torches that I tripped and fell slamming my face into the ground. My nose broke with a horrible crunching sound and my eyes watered. It was that time that torches around me went out and then the ones in front of me. I tried to get up and move but soon all the torches were out.
I sat in the dark trying to get my barrings. It had only been a moment before I heard something. It was a rustling sound that was drawing nearer. As it drew close a in-human fog began to sweep up around me. It was a cold blue glowing mist that smelled like the ocean of all things. It enveloped me and took away my other senses. When the sudden light of a lantern came on in front me, I fell back and to the ground. My eyes took a moment before the Lantern Bearer came into focus. Out of all the things I had seen so far this was the weirdest. It was a troll like creature not more than for feet tall but very round with over sized features. It was humanoid with a face concealed by a silver mask with protruding snout and black glassy lenses in the eyes. It carried the lantern in one hand and a pick-ax in the other. "What are you suppose to be?" The Lantern Bearer asked."I'm lost" I told it. The creature uttered what could be considered a laugh. "You're human. You're kind is so foolish, you don't even belong here"It told me. I was inclined to agree with it. "I don't even know where here is" I told it. The Lantern Bearer came close to me as I rose to my feet."Betwixt here and there. Now cause I don't need you hanging around here, I can take you where you were going or I can take you back"It said from beneath the mask. "Whats forward? Whats at the church" I asked.
The Lantern Bearer stomped its foot and scoffed."Look" it told me." You don't belong here, something messed you up and brought you into this place. You probably got a hold of something you shouldn't have and now you walk here bothering me. I don't know whats at the church cause that there, not here. There are other places that we walk. The world does not revolve around you" The Lantern Bearer kicked dirt as he finished talking.He sighed before finally talking again." Look flesh bag, I can take you forward or back. Choose!" I looked both ways as if I could actually see anything. Either way probably sucked but I at least knew there was something at the church. I choose to move forward.
We started walking in silence. There was howling in the distance, maybe human, maybe not. After a few more moments I decided to finally try talking to my guide again. "So do you have a name' I asked. The Lantern Bearer turned to me and then turned back. "I don't remember" He responded. "When you walked for so long, my name left me. All I remember is the case and the Long Men"
The Case And The Long Men
The Lantern Bearer did once have a name but he did not remember it, however for the retelling I decided to refer to him as L.B. as I re-tell the the story he told me on the long walk.
L.B. lived in a house, not a big house or a small house just a house. It sat on a street surrounded by other houses. His was not different from the rest as was the others who lived on the street. They all were like him and despite the natural disposition L.B. could even be called happy, as were the others. The only thing out of sorts was the tall house at the end of the street. It was very different that the rest. L.B. heard stories about it, but he knew no truths about it. What rumors he heard were from his friend who's name he no longer remembered but he was a friend.
One day L.B. and the Friend walked to the end of the street as the days grew short and cold. It was suppose to be the cold white rain, but this was black soot that fell from the sky. At the end of the street in front of the big house sat a long black car, the doors of the car opened and several long men got out. There was a young man, a middle age man and a old man. Each one of them carried a case, one of gold, one of silver and one of mercury. They walked in a straight line towards the house. They walked up to the door and it opened. Holding the door for them was a woman like L.B. the Long men called her something but it was not a name L.B. was familiar with, it sounded like Lucy Fur which was and odd name. So odd that L.B. actually still remembered it. The Long men entered with Lucy and the door closed.
L.B. and his friend thought this very odd, but even more odd was L.B.'s Friends curiosity about those shiny cases the Long men carried.He wanted one. He didn't know why but he knew he wanted one and he was going to get it. So he tried to convince L.B. to help him. The Friend said that since there were three shiny cases and that they could each have one, but this confused L.B. "There were three case's"He reminded his friend. His Friend told him "There is no need for greed. A case each is all we need."
That night the two of them made their first attempt to go into the house but only made halfway down the block when they heard weird noises coming from inside the house. There was loud voices and screams. The two friends tried to courage up their strength and get closer to the house. However as they did a ghastly cloud of fog beset the house and the two small men. The fright finally got the best of them and they ran back to L.B.'s house and plotted to go tomorrow. However when they woke up the next day, the sun had not risen, yet no moon was in the sky either. The only light was from that horrid fog that had enveloped most of the street and that horrible snow fell from the sky. L.B. and his friend looked out the window, not even the street lamps have turned on yet. This was quite odd indeed.
This was the day they made another attempt. As they left L.B.'s house they could see black wraiths moving about the fog and they also heard strange noises, like soft moans and the sounds of chains dragging across the ground. There was also the sound of something wet and sickly dragging itself across the cold ground. The two friends did their best to navigate the fog and they finally came upon the tall house. As they reached they saw the horror that awaited them. Two large boards that crossed each other were erected in the yard and the one of their kind was wrapped in barbed wire to the cross. Blood and gore hung down from their kins torso. Its throat had also been slit and its body burned. The two friends were in shock. Suddenly the front door opened and the two friends quickly hid. From the door Lucy Fur came out with one of the cases and the middle age Long man with her. He escorted her to the car and open the back door for her. After she got in the Long man shut the door, went around to the front, got in and started the car. The two friends ducked down as the car started and drove past. As it did the two friends notice the limp body of another of their kin being dragged behind the car. It was still alive and struggling. As the night before, L.B. and his friend ran back home and hid again for the night.
They slept in shifts that night but barley slept. They tried to make sense of what they had seen but where as L.B. interest in the cases wained, his Friend's resolve only grew. They would try again tomorrow. For the rest of the night there were more noises outside but neither of the Friends could bare themselves to go the window. Something thudded against the main door several times at around mid-night but after that there was just the dead silence. When the time of morning came, L.B. awoke to find his friend awake and staring out the window. He turned to L.B. and told him that it was time to go.
As they opened the door and went outside, it was more of the same waiting for them. Fog, ash and noises. When they reached the end of the yard and went into the street, they discovered a new horror awaiting them. All the animals were dead and laying scattered across the street, they were burned alive from the inside until they split wide open. Hordes of the dead birds began to pour from the sky. For some reason instead of running back to L.B.'s house they ran to the tall house at the end of the street. The gore and carcasses of the birds poured down onto them like the gates of the hell had been opened and as they reached the house, they they found salvation, as the door opened and they went inside the dark of the house.
Inside all was black. A fine layer of dust covered everything inside. In front of them was a large staircase that led up to the second floor. The Friend started to go towards the steps when several lights came on from the top of the steps and the shadow of a Long man stretched down the hall. The two friends backed away as the shadow drew near the top of the steps. L.B. looked back and noticed the basement door that was open a crack. He touched his friends shoulder and led him in and they quietly closed the door.
The Two friends turned and looked down the step that descended into the basement. A trail of red blood and gore led down to the bottom that was lit by a massive furnace, There was a small sound coming from down there. It was grunting followed bu the sound of ripping leather and small punctures. L.B.'s friend began to slowly move down the step and L.B. followed. As they reached the bottom step they saw across from the the body parts of their kin torn apart and laying in one giant pile. It was a massacre unlike anything they could even imagine. Across from the pile of parts was the Young Long Man hunched over a work bench with a large sewing needle and set of ghastly tools that were covered in crimson. He set about his work quietly as he took parts of the Friend's kins and sewed them back together.When he made a mistake he simply threw the mess into the furnace, that burned up, went up the chimney, where it rained the ashes into the sky.
L.B. began to back up when he noticed his friends gaze. Sitting on the work bench under the tools was a silver case. The Friend looked like his will was no longer his own. He moved quietly forward and closer to the case. L.B. could only cower into the corner, afraid to make a noise, afraid to try and stop his friend. The Friend got closer and closer. The Long Man did not notice him at all. The Friend stretched his hand out in front of him and began to reach for the case. The Long man continued about his work. The Friend's had was almost onto the case handle when The Long Man turned and snarled at him. The Long Mans eyes were liquid black and his teeth filed down into jagged fangs. He moved down and bit into the Friends hand and L.B. screamed. The Friend struggled as the Long Man tore into his arm. L.B. could do the only thing he could think of and ran to the work bench and to the tools. The Long Man saw this and tossed the Friend away towards the furnace and set his sets on L.B. The Long Man ran at the small man, but L.B.s hand grabbed the first sharp tool on the bench and came up with arched blade that had reversed edges, as The Long Man came forward and descended on L.B. the blade pierced the heart and a black ooze ran out of the wound as The Long Man screamed. L.B. needed the Long man quiet, so he pulled the blade out quickly. The reverse edge began pulling out chunks of the Long mans heart. L.B. quickly plunged the blade into the Long mans throat, puncturing the voice box and silencing him. The Long Man fell in front of the furnace where the Friend in waiting plunged the Long Mans head into the fire finishing him off. The Friend yelled for L.B. to grab the case. L.B. did and the two Friends ran up the step only to find the old Long Man waiting for them. The Long Man grabbed the case but the two Friends ran underneath his long legs and out the door.
When they finally got back into the house they barricaded the door. L.B. had enough of all this and began to pack his things, but his Friend argued with him. There was still a case that belonged to them and he wanted it. They had already slain one of the Long Man and they could easily take the last one. The man next door owned a rifle and they could use that to kill the Long Man and take the last two cases. L.B. kept telling him no and that he was done with it all and that they had to get out of there before it was too late. After a hour of yelling, L.B. finally talked his Friend into leaving with him the next day. Furthermore L.B. and him both agreed that they get a few hours of sleep before they left, it was L.B.'s foolish mistake that he let his Friend take the first watch. When L.B. woke a little later his Friend was gone and the front door was wide open.
L.B. didn't want to go after his friend but he knew he had to, cause thats what friends do. L.B. grabbed his pack and headed outside. If his Friend did indeed go back to the house perhaps he had gone for L.B.'s neighbor's gun. L.B. got outside and stopped. All the houses, minus his own, were all ablaze. Each of them burning like a torch, lighting a path leading up to The Tall house at the end of the street. As L.B. step further into his lawn his house went up in a burst and set him flying and into the street. He sat up with teary eyes and his house burned in front of him. He sat there for who knows how long and only came around when he heard rifle fire from the Tall house at the end of the street. L.B. got up and ran to see if he could still save his friend.
L.B. reached the Tall house to find the door opened as if the house was expecting him. L.B. went inside and saw a light burning form the upstairs. As L.B. moved forward he nearly knocked a lantern of a small table nearby. He caught it before it fell and set it back upright. Thats when he heard more shots from upstairs. L.B. wanted to be brave but he huddled back into a corner as the old Long Man appeared at the top of the stairs. He staggered forward and tried to catch himself but he fell and rolled down the steps before crashing to the floor. He bled out all over the floor, before releasing his last breath. L.B. rolled him over and saw a gun wound in the Long Man's chest. L.B. straightened up and began climbing the steps very slowly. As he got up further and further his blood began to run cold. Something at the top of the steps began to come into view. L.B. stopped as the thing came to the head of the steps. What L.B. saw is one of the only things that would even follow him into death. His friend, who was no longer his friend. His skin had turned ghostly white, his eyes were empty and black,. His features had grown human, his frame was now long and gaunt. His friend was Long and carrying held a death grip on a case. L.B. turn and ran, tripping on the final step. The new Long Man started coming for him, his other hand revealing a silver blade. L.B. got up grabbed the lantern for reasons he could not explain. As he got outside he kept moving , only stopping when he go to the end of the street. The tall house at the end of the street bursts into flames and the Long Man stepped out and began coming forward. L.B. continued to run past the last burning house and into the darkness. He ran for days in the darkness before he remembered to light the lantern.
We had exited the darkness and fog as the Lantern Bearer finished his tale. The Church was only a little further and the walking creatures were almost at its doors. I turned to the Lantern Bearer. "Thank you for leading me back" I told him. "We all get a little lost. I'm sorry I grew short, but like you I have to keep moving" He said. He started to walk off again into the fog and darkness. I yelled for him to wait. He turned back to me. "Is there anything you can tell me to help me" I asked. He looked ahead and shrugged. "No. But if you ever get lost in the dark again, I reckon I can help you" He said sadly before walking off. As he disappeared into the dark and fog, I noticed a Long shadow following him. I turned and went on down that road to the church.
My luck seems to be changing, I woke up in the same place I fell asleep. It was still dark and I have no idea how much time passed. But the moon wasn't as high. Still I could see despite the lack of lights.I didn't have to feel my way around in the dark of the desert, not that was anything to feel. The wind picked up as I slowly started to get moving,slowly at first but then I began to jaunt. I began thinking of what my next move would be, I wasn't much of a nature person and being stuck out in the desert didn't seem to ideal to me. But going to the nearest town wasn't that bright either. I truly am stuck in a Godless random universe.
Then I saw something, a dark shape of a figure. It was moving sluggishly through the void of night. It was soon joined by one more than two more, then they begin six, then seven. Finally there were at least thirteen of them in sight. All lifelessly moving towards something. I held back but began to follow them. As I got closer I began to smell the stench of death that all corpses had, now don't go jumping the gun. If I hear you even thinking the Z word its the end of the story for ya. They had to be like Gibb, they had to be. I got closer due to my curiosity and they looked as bad as they smelled. In all fairness they at least knew where they were going.
I followed them for what seemed like several hours before a light appeared in the distance. I was apparently on a plateau or something cause the light was descended down from where I was. I ran ahead, not getting in the way of the things that lead me. But I nearly fell of the ledge that I was on cause I wasn't being careful. I caught myself before I fell though and as I looked ahead I saw the source of the light. There was two long rows of torches, that stood several feet and flanked a long dirt path leading to a large white building with a steeple. I had found a church. The creatures from the dark barely kept their balance as they lumbered down the hill. They were headed for the church and I followed.
It took a few more moments before reaching the path and the dark creatures were further ahead of me, they were almost on the building by this point.I didn't want to rush, it is possible the creatures could be heading towards some innocent people looking to hurt them or maybe freaking eat them. They could also be heading towards friends or something worse. I slowly moved down the path, looking back with every step forward, I was out in the open and exposed. I inched forward watching the church get bigger and bigger as I got closer. I was halfway down the path when the torches back where the path began went out. I turned and looked, there was nothing back there. Then the next set went out, then the next and the next. I began to run as the torches began to extinguish themselves. I was so focused on out running the torches that I tripped and fell slamming my face into the ground. My nose broke with a horrible crunching sound and my eyes watered. It was that time that torches around me went out and then the ones in front of me. I tried to get up and move but soon all the torches were out.
I sat in the dark trying to get my barrings. It had only been a moment before I heard something. It was a rustling sound that was drawing nearer. As it drew close a in-human fog began to sweep up around me. It was a cold blue glowing mist that smelled like the ocean of all things. It enveloped me and took away my other senses. When the sudden light of a lantern came on in front me, I fell back and to the ground. My eyes took a moment before the Lantern Bearer came into focus. Out of all the things I had seen so far this was the weirdest. It was a troll like creature not more than for feet tall but very round with over sized features. It was humanoid with a face concealed by a silver mask with protruding snout and black glassy lenses in the eyes. It carried the lantern in one hand and a pick-ax in the other. "What are you suppose to be?" The Lantern Bearer asked."I'm lost" I told it. The creature uttered what could be considered a laugh. "You're human. You're kind is so foolish, you don't even belong here"It told me. I was inclined to agree with it. "I don't even know where here is" I told it. The Lantern Bearer came close to me as I rose to my feet."Betwixt here and there. Now cause I don't need you hanging around here, I can take you where you were going or I can take you back"It said from beneath the mask. "Whats forward? Whats at the church" I asked.
The Lantern Bearer stomped its foot and scoffed."Look" it told me." You don't belong here, something messed you up and brought you into this place. You probably got a hold of something you shouldn't have and now you walk here bothering me. I don't know whats at the church cause that there, not here. There are other places that we walk. The world does not revolve around you" The Lantern Bearer kicked dirt as he finished talking.He sighed before finally talking again." Look flesh bag, I can take you forward or back. Choose!" I looked both ways as if I could actually see anything. Either way probably sucked but I at least knew there was something at the church. I choose to move forward.
We started walking in silence. There was howling in the distance, maybe human, maybe not. After a few more moments I decided to finally try talking to my guide again. "So do you have a name' I asked. The Lantern Bearer turned to me and then turned back. "I don't remember" He responded. "When you walked for so long, my name left me. All I remember is the case and the Long Men"
The Case And The Long Men
The Lantern Bearer did once have a name but he did not remember it, however for the retelling I decided to refer to him as L.B. as I re-tell the the story he told me on the long walk.
L.B. lived in a house, not a big house or a small house just a house. It sat on a street surrounded by other houses. His was not different from the rest as was the others who lived on the street. They all were like him and despite the natural disposition L.B. could even be called happy, as were the others. The only thing out of sorts was the tall house at the end of the street. It was very different that the rest. L.B. heard stories about it, but he knew no truths about it. What rumors he heard were from his friend who's name he no longer remembered but he was a friend.
One day L.B. and the Friend walked to the end of the street as the days grew short and cold. It was suppose to be the cold white rain, but this was black soot that fell from the sky. At the end of the street in front of the big house sat a long black car, the doors of the car opened and several long men got out. There was a young man, a middle age man and a old man. Each one of them carried a case, one of gold, one of silver and one of mercury. They walked in a straight line towards the house. They walked up to the door and it opened. Holding the door for them was a woman like L.B. the Long men called her something but it was not a name L.B. was familiar with, it sounded like Lucy Fur which was and odd name. So odd that L.B. actually still remembered it. The Long men entered with Lucy and the door closed.
L.B. and his friend thought this very odd, but even more odd was L.B.'s Friends curiosity about those shiny cases the Long men carried.He wanted one. He didn't know why but he knew he wanted one and he was going to get it. So he tried to convince L.B. to help him. The Friend said that since there were three shiny cases and that they could each have one, but this confused L.B. "There were three case's"He reminded his friend. His Friend told him "There is no need for greed. A case each is all we need."
That night the two of them made their first attempt to go into the house but only made halfway down the block when they heard weird noises coming from inside the house. There was loud voices and screams. The two friends tried to courage up their strength and get closer to the house. However as they did a ghastly cloud of fog beset the house and the two small men. The fright finally got the best of them and they ran back to L.B.'s house and plotted to go tomorrow. However when they woke up the next day, the sun had not risen, yet no moon was in the sky either. The only light was from that horrid fog that had enveloped most of the street and that horrible snow fell from the sky. L.B. and his friend looked out the window, not even the street lamps have turned on yet. This was quite odd indeed.
This was the day they made another attempt. As they left L.B.'s house they could see black wraiths moving about the fog and they also heard strange noises, like soft moans and the sounds of chains dragging across the ground. There was also the sound of something wet and sickly dragging itself across the cold ground. The two friends did their best to navigate the fog and they finally came upon the tall house. As they reached they saw the horror that awaited them. Two large boards that crossed each other were erected in the yard and the one of their kind was wrapped in barbed wire to the cross. Blood and gore hung down from their kins torso. Its throat had also been slit and its body burned. The two friends were in shock. Suddenly the front door opened and the two friends quickly hid. From the door Lucy Fur came out with one of the cases and the middle age Long man with her. He escorted her to the car and open the back door for her. After she got in the Long man shut the door, went around to the front, got in and started the car. The two friends ducked down as the car started and drove past. As it did the two friends notice the limp body of another of their kin being dragged behind the car. It was still alive and struggling. As the night before, L.B. and his friend ran back home and hid again for the night.
They slept in shifts that night but barley slept. They tried to make sense of what they had seen but where as L.B. interest in the cases wained, his Friend's resolve only grew. They would try again tomorrow. For the rest of the night there were more noises outside but neither of the Friends could bare themselves to go the window. Something thudded against the main door several times at around mid-night but after that there was just the dead silence. When the time of morning came, L.B. awoke to find his friend awake and staring out the window. He turned to L.B. and told him that it was time to go.
As they opened the door and went outside, it was more of the same waiting for them. Fog, ash and noises. When they reached the end of the yard and went into the street, they discovered a new horror awaiting them. All the animals were dead and laying scattered across the street, they were burned alive from the inside until they split wide open. Hordes of the dead birds began to pour from the sky. For some reason instead of running back to L.B.'s house they ran to the tall house at the end of the street. The gore and carcasses of the birds poured down onto them like the gates of the hell had been opened and as they reached the house, they they found salvation, as the door opened and they went inside the dark of the house.
Inside all was black. A fine layer of dust covered everything inside. In front of them was a large staircase that led up to the second floor. The Friend started to go towards the steps when several lights came on from the top of the steps and the shadow of a Long man stretched down the hall. The two friends backed away as the shadow drew near the top of the steps. L.B. looked back and noticed the basement door that was open a crack. He touched his friends shoulder and led him in and they quietly closed the door.
The Two friends turned and looked down the step that descended into the basement. A trail of red blood and gore led down to the bottom that was lit by a massive furnace, There was a small sound coming from down there. It was grunting followed bu the sound of ripping leather and small punctures. L.B.'s friend began to slowly move down the step and L.B. followed. As they reached the bottom step they saw across from the the body parts of their kin torn apart and laying in one giant pile. It was a massacre unlike anything they could even imagine. Across from the pile of parts was the Young Long Man hunched over a work bench with a large sewing needle and set of ghastly tools that were covered in crimson. He set about his work quietly as he took parts of the Friend's kins and sewed them back together.When he made a mistake he simply threw the mess into the furnace, that burned up, went up the chimney, where it rained the ashes into the sky.
L.B. began to back up when he noticed his friends gaze. Sitting on the work bench under the tools was a silver case. The Friend looked like his will was no longer his own. He moved quietly forward and closer to the case. L.B. could only cower into the corner, afraid to make a noise, afraid to try and stop his friend. The Friend got closer and closer. The Long Man did not notice him at all. The Friend stretched his hand out in front of him and began to reach for the case. The Long man continued about his work. The Friend's had was almost onto the case handle when The Long Man turned and snarled at him. The Long Mans eyes were liquid black and his teeth filed down into jagged fangs. He moved down and bit into the Friends hand and L.B. screamed. The Friend struggled as the Long Man tore into his arm. L.B. could do the only thing he could think of and ran to the work bench and to the tools. The Long Man saw this and tossed the Friend away towards the furnace and set his sets on L.B. The Long Man ran at the small man, but L.B.s hand grabbed the first sharp tool on the bench and came up with arched blade that had reversed edges, as The Long Man came forward and descended on L.B. the blade pierced the heart and a black ooze ran out of the wound as The Long Man screamed. L.B. needed the Long man quiet, so he pulled the blade out quickly. The reverse edge began pulling out chunks of the Long mans heart. L.B. quickly plunged the blade into the Long mans throat, puncturing the voice box and silencing him. The Long Man fell in front of the furnace where the Friend in waiting plunged the Long Mans head into the fire finishing him off. The Friend yelled for L.B. to grab the case. L.B. did and the two Friends ran up the step only to find the old Long Man waiting for them. The Long Man grabbed the case but the two Friends ran underneath his long legs and out the door.
When they finally got back into the house they barricaded the door. L.B. had enough of all this and began to pack his things, but his Friend argued with him. There was still a case that belonged to them and he wanted it. They had already slain one of the Long Man and they could easily take the last one. The man next door owned a rifle and they could use that to kill the Long Man and take the last two cases. L.B. kept telling him no and that he was done with it all and that they had to get out of there before it was too late. After a hour of yelling, L.B. finally talked his Friend into leaving with him the next day. Furthermore L.B. and him both agreed that they get a few hours of sleep before they left, it was L.B.'s foolish mistake that he let his Friend take the first watch. When L.B. woke a little later his Friend was gone and the front door was wide open.
L.B. didn't want to go after his friend but he knew he had to, cause thats what friends do. L.B. grabbed his pack and headed outside. If his Friend did indeed go back to the house perhaps he had gone for L.B.'s neighbor's gun. L.B. got outside and stopped. All the houses, minus his own, were all ablaze. Each of them burning like a torch, lighting a path leading up to The Tall house at the end of the street. As L.B. step further into his lawn his house went up in a burst and set him flying and into the street. He sat up with teary eyes and his house burned in front of him. He sat there for who knows how long and only came around when he heard rifle fire from the Tall house at the end of the street. L.B. got up and ran to see if he could still save his friend.
L.B. reached the Tall house to find the door opened as if the house was expecting him. L.B. went inside and saw a light burning form the upstairs. As L.B. moved forward he nearly knocked a lantern of a small table nearby. He caught it before it fell and set it back upright. Thats when he heard more shots from upstairs. L.B. wanted to be brave but he huddled back into a corner as the old Long Man appeared at the top of the stairs. He staggered forward and tried to catch himself but he fell and rolled down the steps before crashing to the floor. He bled out all over the floor, before releasing his last breath. L.B. rolled him over and saw a gun wound in the Long Man's chest. L.B. straightened up and began climbing the steps very slowly. As he got up further and further his blood began to run cold. Something at the top of the steps began to come into view. L.B. stopped as the thing came to the head of the steps. What L.B. saw is one of the only things that would even follow him into death. His friend, who was no longer his friend. His skin had turned ghostly white, his eyes were empty and black,. His features had grown human, his frame was now long and gaunt. His friend was Long and carrying held a death grip on a case. L.B. turn and ran, tripping on the final step. The new Long Man started coming for him, his other hand revealing a silver blade. L.B. got up grabbed the lantern for reasons he could not explain. As he got outside he kept moving , only stopping when he go to the end of the street. The tall house at the end of the street bursts into flames and the Long Man stepped out and began coming forward. L.B. continued to run past the last burning house and into the darkness. He ran for days in the darkness before he remembered to light the lantern.
We had exited the darkness and fog as the Lantern Bearer finished his tale. The Church was only a little further and the walking creatures were almost at its doors. I turned to the Lantern Bearer. "Thank you for leading me back" I told him. "We all get a little lost. I'm sorry I grew short, but like you I have to keep moving" He said. He started to walk off again into the fog and darkness. I yelled for him to wait. He turned back to me. "Is there anything you can tell me to help me" I asked. He looked ahead and shrugged. "No. But if you ever get lost in the dark again, I reckon I can help you" He said sadly before walking off. As he disappeared into the dark and fog, I noticed a Long shadow following him. I turned and went on down that road to the church.
thank you for loving my set Sir <3