Wow! cant believe its been since November since last blog. well a little update. christmas went well as expected. new years was lot of fun. besides my car taking a shit on me. but got that taken care of. but new years went with my good friend to his wifes hotel that she worked at for new years. she had to work so hung out with him and his kids. got to go swimming and got to get in the hot tub which was very nice. got drunk of course . got a new pet. wanted a dog but the land lord wouldn't allow it. so got a bird. hes nice to have. but now he can be a pain sometimes . always wants attention . oh yeah got myself a new pc! love it so nice to have something that I can play wow and not lag in it too much. yeah and lately my new car or not new but anyway its acting up . got a few blocks from work and it died on me. think I can fix it. just have to wait to tomorrow . but heres a few pics I took just now! not the best I need a hair cut and beard trim. ok well I will try to update more often and be more active on this site. 

well there's definitely too much snow here right now.