ok time for a post. havn't really been up to much . went and play the usual halo on the weekend. had my birthday here on the 28th. went and had dinner with my parents and older sister and her family. really just been playing Wow alot . got on the server Gorefiend. have some real life friends that play on that server. use to playing on a normal server. this pvp thing is alright. gives a little bit more thrill to the game. and it helps to have a friend that has like 5 lvl 60s. so he will run us though instances and shit. and hooked us up with 4 runecloth bags and 10g. so its not to bad at all. well got to get something to eat now. later all
Thank you,
I managed to see all the people yesterday and I do belive it was a misstake because I've been awful today.
Well hopefully I'll start to be better after today.

hmm i could use a new phone, mine doesn't have a camera at all.... and the betteries are getting bad..