back from a great weekend. other than my fucking wisdom tooth is starting to hurt again. but soon that will be done with. but went of to the citys friday night to pick up a friend of mine . and then low and behold one black was there. so Its like oh fucking shit. now we are going to be going to pick up some shit. not that i really didn't want any . just didn't want to go into the no white boys aloud area. but we were with this dude. so we were safe. and It paned out good. so lets say got plenty of good food at my friends perents place. and got fucked up! then headed back sunday. and stoped over to another friends house and ended up at the bar down stairs to shoot some pool and watch the game. thank god the bears one. now if they can make it in the play offs.
but today not too bad. stoped by the local bar Marys after work played a game of pool . and drank some. then took off home. but fuck 4 more days to a 3 day weekend. yeah!!!
but today not too bad. stoped by the local bar Marys after work played a game of pool . and drank some. then took off home. but fuck 4 more days to a 3 day weekend. yeah!!!
hmm they're expensive and volent and cruel, and have disgusting rubbergloves and it all smells really wierd.
ofcourse I'm gonna create a bloodelf when I have burning crusade.
I have one undead as well, and a troll. But don't play them as much.