What A fucking Day! I love my Work
I work at a recycling center. where I stand and sort stuff off a line. fun I know. its not too bad of work. its just the fucking People that You have to work with. iv been there 9 long years. and I swear it just gets worse and worse. I used to like working there. but not any more. I just Dread getting up in the morning. and there are no jobs in the area right now that give u 40 hours a week and health insurance. I start off this morning getting some brown Gunk spatter all over the back of my shirt. had to go home at break and change shirts. then I go and find out the one lady that I work withs water and my lunch that I took and put in the break room fridge is gone. and to top it all off. before lunch I get some gum thown into my hair. I had to get a hair cut today to get it out. and the sad part is. if you say anything to my boss. im lying . or im doing these things to my self to get attention. Is that lame or fucking what. and the lady I work with knows whats going on like I do. but she trys to stick up for me and tell my boss whats going on. Shes lieing for me. like what the fuck ever. I am so Sick of the fucking Fagot and his narking at fucking butt buddie of his . its not funny and really these guys are Fags. I don't really care if someone is. but when u here there gay fucking ass shit all fucking day. it gets annoying. I think when my lease ends at the end of the year. im going to look in to moving out of this fucking town.
Im really sorry if I vented too much . but iv had one hell of a fucking day!
im just here playing runescape and browsing the net tonight. got get some supper soon. then just rest for the night. and hopfully everything will go better tomorrow. but later

Im really sorry if I vented too much . but iv had one hell of a fucking day!
im just here playing runescape and browsing the net tonight. got get some supper soon. then just rest for the night. and hopfully everything will go better tomorrow. but later

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