I forgot it was Valentine's Day until someone at work reminded me. I got some candy and a balloon from my apartment office, though, so I guess it wasn't all bad. There were Dots inside - I love Dots.
I'm absorbing so much new stuff at work I'm almost overwhelmed. I'm caught between the desire to know everything right now and the wonderful feeling I get when I've learned and applied something new. It's a strange sort of anxiety to have people working around you that are so far above you that it leaves your head spinning.
Not feeling too verbose tonight; I think I'll hit the sack. Very tiredearly wake-up call and not much sleep in between.
Feb. 15th edit:
My cousin is pretty much in the same state that was in this December. He's home now, but the drain tube from his brain to his stomach is still there. He has some special glasses now that help a little bit with his balance, and I guess one of his eyes was rolling back into his head a little bit, and those glasses are supposed to correct that also. It's been three months since the accident. I have a bad feeling that he'll be this way for the rest of his life. He's only 18...it kind of makes me sick. Will he have to suffer for the rest of his life for a stupid mistake?
My Blackberry came - I like it! It's a Pearl 8100. I looked at the 8800, too. It's pretty slick, but no camera! Bah!
I'm going to buy Family Tree Maker 2008 and compile the ancestry information that I have. We've been able to trace my mom's family back to the 1800s (if I remember right) and my dad's side to the 1300-1400s. There was a period, way back when, that first and last names weren't treated the same as they are now. A father's first and last name would become a son's last and first name, respectively. For example, John Thompson would have a son, and his son's name would be Tom Johnson, and then his son would be some variation of John Thompson. This went on for five or six generations in my family. Weird! And did you know that most of the "-son" names were from people who came over to America and had a new last name created, based on their father's name? If we use Johnson again, it's likely that the male ancestor that came over to America's father's name was John, and so when he arrived in America, he was given the last name Johnson. John's son. Interesting, no? Happened to my family!
My great-grandparents on my mother's side were married when they came over from Germany. My great-grandpa worked in a cheese factory in Wisconsin before moving to Washington. My great-grandparents on my dad's side more or less settled an island and created the fishing community that lived there, and continues to live there to this day. A small town cropped up on the main-land. It's still there, too, and it hasn't changed much since the 1860s. There are buildings there, still standing, built in the late 1800s or early 1900s. It's the second oldest town in Washington.
Sometimes I miss home so much that I don't know what to do with myself.
I'm in a weird place right now.
I forgot it was Valentine's Day until someone at work reminded me. I got some candy and a balloon from my apartment office, though, so I guess it wasn't all bad. There were Dots inside - I love Dots.
I'm absorbing so much new stuff at work I'm almost overwhelmed. I'm caught between the desire to know everything right now and the wonderful feeling I get when I've learned and applied something new. It's a strange sort of anxiety to have people working around you that are so far above you that it leaves your head spinning.
Not feeling too verbose tonight; I think I'll hit the sack. Very tiredearly wake-up call and not much sleep in between.
Feb. 15th edit:
My cousin is pretty much in the same state that was in this December. He's home now, but the drain tube from his brain to his stomach is still there. He has some special glasses now that help a little bit with his balance, and I guess one of his eyes was rolling back into his head a little bit, and those glasses are supposed to correct that also. It's been three months since the accident. I have a bad feeling that he'll be this way for the rest of his life. He's only 18...it kind of makes me sick. Will he have to suffer for the rest of his life for a stupid mistake?
My Blackberry came - I like it! It's a Pearl 8100. I looked at the 8800, too. It's pretty slick, but no camera! Bah!
I'm going to buy Family Tree Maker 2008 and compile the ancestry information that I have. We've been able to trace my mom's family back to the 1800s (if I remember right) and my dad's side to the 1300-1400s. There was a period, way back when, that first and last names weren't treated the same as they are now. A father's first and last name would become a son's last and first name, respectively. For example, John Thompson would have a son, and his son's name would be Tom Johnson, and then his son would be some variation of John Thompson. This went on for five or six generations in my family. Weird! And did you know that most of the "-son" names were from people who came over to America and had a new last name created, based on their father's name? If we use Johnson again, it's likely that the male ancestor that came over to America's father's name was John, and so when he arrived in America, he was given the last name Johnson. John's son. Interesting, no? Happened to my family!
My great-grandparents on my mother's side were married when they came over from Germany. My great-grandpa worked in a cheese factory in Wisconsin before moving to Washington. My great-grandparents on my dad's side more or less settled an island and created the fishing community that lived there, and continues to live there to this day. A small town cropped up on the main-land. It's still there, too, and it hasn't changed much since the 1860s. There are buildings there, still standing, built in the late 1800s or early 1900s. It's the second oldest town in Washington.
Sometimes I miss home so much that I don't know what to do with myself.
I'm in a weird place right now.

That family tree project sounds pretty cool. I'd love to do some kind of sculptural family map. The polish side of my family is pretty easy to figure out, as we have a more unusual last name. My Mom's maiden name is like the Smith of Italian last names and her family was spread out all over Italy, so I have no idea who I am actually related to on that side.
I threw my Grandmother a birthday party recently and actually had a really awesome time hearing some pretty scandalous stories from her and her sisters. I'd really love to record some of the stories and illustrate/bind them in a book for my grandmother. She's been feeling pretty lost since my grandfather has lost his mind.
Since I just took a week off from work I can't say that I can afford to take more time anytime soon, so you are just going to have to come to Boston to get your geek on.