There was tire debris all over the I-10 under the Central Ave overpass, so the caution flag was out. A van in front of me aparently caught up a large piece of tire rubber and then sling-shotted it out the back. All I heard was a thump, then I saw a flash of black, and smash!. Glass everywhere!

It also fucked up my hood:

Ouch. I'm driving one of the manager's vehicles. The glass guy is supposed to be at the office some time between 8am and 12-noon tomorrow to replace the windshield.
From the other day, Highway Trailer Shark:

The airline job didn't pan out; they already have two people who started Monday for that position. If one of them doesn't work out, I'm in, but otherwise no dice. It's OK, though. My buddy is going to keep lobbying for me so I'm sure if I want to sit it out there'll be something soon.
I also have a potential side-job once his VoIP company takes off. There are "talks" at the moment, big talks, revolving around a certain company's legacy VoIP customers that the new owners don't want to deal with. If they transfer responsibility, that's $40K a month in revenue immediately. It could be pretty sweet! I have no problem being their website-database-IT-integration-interface-administrator-person-guy. Slash field technician.
I want to purchase this - an authentic replica of the Marauder's Map from Harry Potter. Is that...bad? Also, this is neat.
P.S. I bought some new(ish) tires and rims for the Jetta:

They're pretty damn close to being ugly, but I like them. And you can't beat almost brand-new tires and flawless OEM wheels for $430 shipped! Word.
There was tire debris all over the I-10 under the Central Ave overpass, so the caution flag was out. A van in front of me aparently caught up a large piece of tire rubber and then sling-shotted it out the back. All I heard was a thump, then I saw a flash of black, and smash!. Glass everywhere!

It also fucked up my hood:

Ouch. I'm driving one of the manager's vehicles. The glass guy is supposed to be at the office some time between 8am and 12-noon tomorrow to replace the windshield.
From the other day, Highway Trailer Shark:

The airline job didn't pan out; they already have two people who started Monday for that position. If one of them doesn't work out, I'm in, but otherwise no dice. It's OK, though. My buddy is going to keep lobbying for me so I'm sure if I want to sit it out there'll be something soon.
I also have a potential side-job once his VoIP company takes off. There are "talks" at the moment, big talks, revolving around a certain company's legacy VoIP customers that the new owners don't want to deal with. If they transfer responsibility, that's $40K a month in revenue immediately. It could be pretty sweet! I have no problem being their website-database-IT-integration-interface-administrator-person-guy. Slash field technician.
I want to purchase this - an authentic replica of the Marauder's Map from Harry Potter. Is that...bad? Also, this is neat.
P.S. I bought some new(ish) tires and rims for the Jetta:

They're pretty damn close to being ugly, but I like them. And you can't beat almost brand-new tires and flawless OEM wheels for $430 shipped! Word.
they can't be used on a turbo charged engine like mine so it faded from memory