I built my mommy a flower bed while I was home. I finally uploaded the picture from my camera:

I asked her if she had any projects that she wanted done. She hummed and hawed about it, finally telling me that they'd been thinking about dolling up one of the patches of flowers outside with a little border, some potting soil, etc. I said "OK then!" and picked up the stuff to do it. She kept saying I shouldn't be spending the money, blah blah blah. Mom? You raised me. The least I can do is build you a fucking flower bed.
I'm finally getting around to putting clear coats on The Bass. It's turning out really well; a lot better than I'd hoped. I gave up on trying to put a fancy finish on there and adopted the mentality "as long as it's protected from moisture and sounds awesome, I don't care what it looks like." But, surprise! It's not looking too shabby. I'll probably put another 6-10 coats of clear satin lacquer on it before I start re-installing the electronics. I hope that'll be this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, it looks busy like the last one. I have a little side job where I do a small amount of IT work for a real estate management company. I have to head out to the owner's house on Saturday to fix their WiFi. Their previous IT person set it up but didn't document anything so they don't know what the encryption key is. She also yabbered something about a VPN, but I have no idea how she thinks she wants to proceed with it, so to hell with messing with that.
Probably looking at Jupes again this Friday. Who knows what else the rest of the weekend!
I knocked out two nasty trouble tickets today; I'm pretty pleased with myself. Both of them were super-volcano-pissed at us and I nipped the both of them in the bud. The lady at the hotel must've been practicing her glare, though. When I walked in she tried to give me some serious stink-eye, but I ignored her and instead dealt with their phone vendor. That problem was weird - the sort that doesn't seem to have any valid explanation, but a couple of steps ended up fixing the issue and I moved on. The next one took me five minutes to fix. It started with them not being able to receive calls, and then the whole goddamn thing went down. I don't know what caused the original problem, but when you dick with the cables coming out of our equipment and then don't put them back into the right jack? Yeah, that'll disrupt your service, chief.
In the last three weeks I've dramatically altered my eating habits and pretty much cut caffeine out entirely. I'm eating less and when I do eat, I eat something that's not crap. Big surprise, I feel a lot better.
Oh, and I bought a car. It's an '04 Jetta GL, 26K miles, flawless condition. All and all I'm very happy with it! The only thing that's left to do is to get ride of the ol' Neon.

Well said, Captain.

I asked her if she had any projects that she wanted done. She hummed and hawed about it, finally telling me that they'd been thinking about dolling up one of the patches of flowers outside with a little border, some potting soil, etc. I said "OK then!" and picked up the stuff to do it. She kept saying I shouldn't be spending the money, blah blah blah. Mom? You raised me. The least I can do is build you a fucking flower bed.
I'm finally getting around to putting clear coats on The Bass. It's turning out really well; a lot better than I'd hoped. I gave up on trying to put a fancy finish on there and adopted the mentality "as long as it's protected from moisture and sounds awesome, I don't care what it looks like." But, surprise! It's not looking too shabby. I'll probably put another 6-10 coats of clear satin lacquer on it before I start re-installing the electronics. I hope that'll be this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, it looks busy like the last one. I have a little side job where I do a small amount of IT work for a real estate management company. I have to head out to the owner's house on Saturday to fix their WiFi. Their previous IT person set it up but didn't document anything so they don't know what the encryption key is. She also yabbered something about a VPN, but I have no idea how she thinks she wants to proceed with it, so to hell with messing with that.
Probably looking at Jupes again this Friday. Who knows what else the rest of the weekend!
I knocked out two nasty trouble tickets today; I'm pretty pleased with myself. Both of them were super-volcano-pissed at us and I nipped the both of them in the bud. The lady at the hotel must've been practicing her glare, though. When I walked in she tried to give me some serious stink-eye, but I ignored her and instead dealt with their phone vendor. That problem was weird - the sort that doesn't seem to have any valid explanation, but a couple of steps ended up fixing the issue and I moved on. The next one took me five minutes to fix. It started with them not being able to receive calls, and then the whole goddamn thing went down. I don't know what caused the original problem, but when you dick with the cables coming out of our equipment and then don't put them back into the right jack? Yeah, that'll disrupt your service, chief.
In the last three weeks I've dramatically altered my eating habits and pretty much cut caffeine out entirely. I'm eating less and when I do eat, I eat something that's not crap. Big surprise, I feel a lot better.
Oh, and I bought a car. It's an '04 Jetta GL, 26K miles, flawless condition. All and all I'm very happy with it! The only thing that's left to do is to get ride of the ol' Neon.

Well said, Captain.
right on, we'll figure out whats up a little closer to the weekend, but there is no girls night or anything scheduled for this upcoming weekend, so there will for sure be bar time
You're right dude, she is entertainment. But not at four thirty in the bleeding morning.