In this weeks episode of Whats The World Coming To? we visit the world of poker. For some reason these past few years the game has become incredibly popular. There are TV shows about it, world poker tournaments its even online.
But I swear, if I see one more person play poker with sunglasses on Ill go homicidal. Who came up with this idea? Were they sitting around one day, wondering how they could bypass the whole skill thing and just plain hide their face? No, a mask wont do. Thats just silly. How about some sun glasses? Brilliant!
Now any douche bag with a pair of Ray-Bans thinks he can jump right in because he no longer has to learn to bluff or how to read the eyes and faces of the other players. Nah, fuck that. He just throws on some sunglasses. Tee-hee, Im invisible! Who needs skill?
This is specifically directed to the crankshaft featured in the poker commercials on the Sci-Fi channel; the ones with the tooth fairy.
The only person who is allowed to wear shades indoors is fucking Bono, and you arent him.
End rant.
I braved Ikea again this week in search of a couch. Id found two on their website, but wasnt sure which one I was going to buy until I had a test sit at the store. Once I got there, I finally settled on the more expensive one and was waiting around to flag down the Ikea girl wandering around, when lo upon the horizon sat a lovely leather three-seat that was $50 cheaper than the couch Id originally decided on. Eureka!
Somehow between loading the couch into my work van and dragging the damn thing up to my apartment I lost the receipt. I dont plan on returning the couch, but not having the receipt for something almost drives me nuts. Plus I dont like the idea of someone finding the receipt and even having the last four digits of my card number, let alone a full name to associate with it. I keep hoping it turns up somewhere random: under a piece of paper, on the floor under my bed, scrunched up in the vansomething.
Im going to go see The Break-Up tomorrow with some SGAZ kids. Afterwards were going out for Thai food. It should be fun. Maybe more people than just and I will show up, but Im not placing a wager on it.
We shall see.
But I swear, if I see one more person play poker with sunglasses on Ill go homicidal. Who came up with this idea? Were they sitting around one day, wondering how they could bypass the whole skill thing and just plain hide their face? No, a mask wont do. Thats just silly. How about some sun glasses? Brilliant!
Now any douche bag with a pair of Ray-Bans thinks he can jump right in because he no longer has to learn to bluff or how to read the eyes and faces of the other players. Nah, fuck that. He just throws on some sunglasses. Tee-hee, Im invisible! Who needs skill?
This is specifically directed to the crankshaft featured in the poker commercials on the Sci-Fi channel; the ones with the tooth fairy.
The only person who is allowed to wear shades indoors is fucking Bono, and you arent him.
End rant.
I braved Ikea again this week in search of a couch. Id found two on their website, but wasnt sure which one I was going to buy until I had a test sit at the store. Once I got there, I finally settled on the more expensive one and was waiting around to flag down the Ikea girl wandering around, when lo upon the horizon sat a lovely leather three-seat that was $50 cheaper than the couch Id originally decided on. Eureka!
Somehow between loading the couch into my work van and dragging the damn thing up to my apartment I lost the receipt. I dont plan on returning the couch, but not having the receipt for something almost drives me nuts. Plus I dont like the idea of someone finding the receipt and even having the last four digits of my card number, let alone a full name to associate with it. I keep hoping it turns up somewhere random: under a piece of paper, on the floor under my bed, scrunched up in the vansomething.
Im going to go see The Break-Up tomorrow with some SGAZ kids. Afterwards were going out for Thai food. It should be fun. Maybe more people than just and I will show up, but Im not placing a wager on it.
We shall see.
it was doolittle licking a french tickler

i work in that general area too. elliot / i-10. but i work typical weekday hours 8-5 (but i get off early alot, like today when i left at 3.30 to do a quick press-check, then i got to go home from there)