*Be nice to people working in retail this Christmas. If you make a conceited effort not to be difficult or give them shit then it will improve their hectic days three fold. Like Buddhism, see?
*I'm still begging for furniture; does anyone have any that they don't want?
*It's been a frustrating week. I've wanted to fuck and fight a lot.
*Last night I was fortunate enough to get the call to go do merch for Junto who were supporting The Butterfly Effect. Didn't think much of The headliners but Junto absolutely owned asses. It's been a while since I've seen those guys play. Great stuff.
*Mastodon fucking rock.
*The Geminus Loco are playing on January 6 at Bar Broadway with Meniscus. Come down, drink, listen, laugh, throw shit at us, whatever.
*Girls are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
*SCA interview was bullshit; portfolio got looked over for all of three seconds. I was talking myself out of going before I'd even left the room.
*I love it when a book can just rip all your attention to it. Such a book for me has been Get in the Van by Henry Rollins. It's kind of disheartening that I'll never be in a position to struggle as much as he did in Black Flag. As sadistic as it sounds, it's nicer to earn things. I've got a graphic novel, Black Hole, sitting on my desk too so there's a bit of new reading to take in.
*Finished a draft of a script I was working on. I'm going to reward myself by just hanging out tonight and watching Dog Day Afternoon.
*EDIT; Ended up watching Dog Day Afternoon. I really wanted to watch Donnie Darko but I couldn't find the DVD in my labyrinth of crap.
Drunken singing and guitaring, my friend. And now I feel sick. And I want to eat but I know how much of a hassle it's going to be to have to go out and get petrol and then to KFC and then.. it'll be like 3pm by the time I get it. There's no cheese in the fridge. Gay.
dunno what you are up to sir however this is on.