there will be blood...
So Friday night was absolutely fucking killer. Thank you to all the lovely SG folk who came out and attended, and then visited casa del Blake for half an evening of drinking and debauchery. My most vivid memory is of speedway74 emptying every ice tray in the freezer out on to the kitchen bench to make margaritas even before I had produced the blender. That's what I call keen

Back tracking just a bit; I thought we played well on Friday evening, looking forward to writing some new tunes, though. The band that were on directly after us, Meniscus, were absolutely fucking incredible. They are my new favourite band. Completely instrumental, insane compositions. Music to fuck to. Music to die to. Whatever. Just brilliant.
One thing that did tarnish the whole experience was having the drummer from the first band try and steal one of my stands as he was loading out. Good thing I saw him and then told him to go fuck himself for about 5 minutes at the top of my lungs. Violence solves nothing, a good harsh yell will put everything in it's right place.
Anyway, back to my place.
"Jagermeister Visiting!"
And visit it did. Lots of people got drunk. Things happened. Things didn't. I'm not at liberty to speak about any of it, you'll just have to come along next time.
Saturday was a blur of sleep and half assed cleaning with Meshuggah cranking on the stereo. Many thanks to Steven for letting me off the Yum Cha hook, I was totally wrecked.
Saturday night saw the band head to the Macquarie Hotel to support friends and soul owners King Farook. Now, as much as I'd love to fellate Meniscus until the end of time I really think we held our own on Friday and played a decent show. Saturday was a weird blend of having to play a few covers and being terribly hungover and so we got totally destroyed by King Farook. I love that band. This Saturday at the Macquarie if you can make it, it's their last night of the residency so it'll be going off.
I'm back in the work cycle for the time being, I really think I need to cut shifts and have a bit more time to myself and to hang with others. I'm working 8 shifts this week; what the fuck?

Speak soon, ladies and gents, the internet is always close by

A female lead is so much better for Squeal.... adds a whole new dimension to it! Good thinking.
The film is coming along... been shooting scenes, got an armourer on board...