"To do two things at once is to do neither."
"Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still."
"The ship is safer in the harbour, but it is not meant for that."
I'm living vicariously through fortune cookies.
So; for those of you who are regular readers of this little online journal I've got going here you may have noticed as of late that my entries have been sparse and often fairly empty. The reason for this is that I've been really busy and really drained, emotionally and physically. Sunday was my first day off work in something like three and a half weeks and I really enjoyed it, ableit I was hungover beyond belief so not clocking on was a definate positive.
Saturday was an absolute blast. Good friend and bassist Matias came over to my place and hung out watching My Name Is Earl (which is totally fucking great, by the way) until I got home from work. We watched a recently acquired bootleg of Jackass Number Two and laughed our asses off. After that we had a little jam and came up with some new parts we'll continue to work on when the band gets out of 'scramble madly to prepare a set for upcoming gig' mode and back into 'writing' mode.
Cooled down over a few beers before showering and heading out to see what I believe to be the greatest of Australian bands; Cog!

Met up with BabyFirefly and her boy Shane, Living_Dead_Girl and her boy Dion (from Fort) and the irrepressible SpookshowBaby. Much hilarity ensues which included figuring out a way to breed some sort of super human race of miniature people (shotgun with speed laced pellets to the womb was the best idea, the people crawl out of your mouth) and cutting the heads off octopi.
"Under the sea! Under the sea!"
Oh Emma, you slay me.
Cog were fucking solid as always; this was even more of a delight than usual because of the totally shitty supporting acts. The vocalist from Mammal had some insane pelvic thrust going on. Remember ladies and gents, music is about how tight your ass is.
So, many beers, a few Jagermeisters ("Jagermeister Visiting!") and an awsome live show later and we all part ways and I head home with Matias to crash, exhausted but satisfied.
Sunday was cool. Just hung out not doing much and then went shopping in the afternoon. Got the Isis DVD and the new Mastodon album, both of which totally kick ass. I wasn't so hot on the Mastodon disc when I got the leak a little while back but it's growing on me. Cooked up a Tex-Mex feast for dinner and did a little bit of writing for this black comedy I'm trying to get together over a few Strongbows, then it was bed and rehearsal this morning for Friday's festivities.
As of late I've been seeing things through a very interesting lens; I've been seeing shit around the house late at night whilst stone cold sober. I swear to christ there's a man smoking an unlit cigarette in the corner, watching me try and get to sleep. I can never really make out his face, though. My thoughts and feelings are in an odd state, too. It's all very metaphysical and emotion based but I feel like I'm on a pendulum that's swinging only I don't know which direction it's going in. All I really know is that it feels like sometime in the very near future I'm either going to be in a totally better place and have a really beautiful and positive mental state happening or go to the other end of the spectrum entirely and go to a place that will be extremely negative and disturbing.
The pendulum is swinging; to what end I'll find out sooner rather than later...
who's a sexy beast???????