SG Sydney Meet & Greet
Twas a lovely evening, though I'm thankful I had some sort of sense (whether it was my own or Steven was projecting I'm unsure) that got me out of there before the absinthe came out..
Fuck there were alot of cameras there last night, proof of which is most prominent in the journal/pic folders of morgannahh..
Blacklamb rocks my socks too, but alas, no talk time.. I would be totally open to lending you my vomit soaked flesh to assist in scanning some grannies some time..
Please don't vomit, if I can do 6.5 hours at Blockbuster with the public and they don't spew then you shouldn't.. Then again, I'm never wearing a hawaiian shirt at Blockbuster..
I promise I won't do that again
Okay, I drum constantly.. And it doesn't have to be in time particularly, as long as I'm hitting something.. The closest thing most of the time that I can hit without it causing me to be aroused are my knees.. Know that you all know that, you'll have to forgive me.. Although, there are times where I don't drum all night but that's because I've constantly got two drinks on the go.. In the current financial state it's gonna have to be me tapping and slapping away..
Steven is the lord of champions, firstly for kicking people to get to this hook up and secondly for his winning personality.. I'm hardly the man.. I'm some sort of staypuft flesh hybrid, and more power to me.. However, kudos to you sir and muchos gracias for the eggs and 1920s jazz tunes..
Okay, I really regret not shooting the breeze with a bunch of you.. I'm not going to name names but next time we cross paths I'm just going to corner you and talk about cup cakes and the apocalypse unitl the authorities are called..
I'll continue to ramble as my memory feeds me dribs and drabs of information in the coming days..
Thank you for a lovely time, y'all.. Let's do it again soon, perhaps not so much en masse
Twas a lovely evening, though I'm thankful I had some sort of sense (whether it was my own or Steven was projecting I'm unsure) that got me out of there before the absinthe came out..
Fuck there were alot of cameras there last night, proof of which is most prominent in the journal/pic folders of morgannahh..
Blacklamb rocks my socks too, but alas, no talk time.. I would be totally open to lending you my vomit soaked flesh to assist in scanning some grannies some time..

Please don't vomit, if I can do 6.5 hours at Blockbuster with the public and they don't spew then you shouldn't.. Then again, I'm never wearing a hawaiian shirt at Blockbuster..

I promise I won't do that again

Okay, I drum constantly.. And it doesn't have to be in time particularly, as long as I'm hitting something.. The closest thing most of the time that I can hit without it causing me to be aroused are my knees.. Know that you all know that, you'll have to forgive me.. Although, there are times where I don't drum all night but that's because I've constantly got two drinks on the go.. In the current financial state it's gonna have to be me tapping and slapping away..
Steven is the lord of champions, firstly for kicking people to get to this hook up and secondly for his winning personality.. I'm hardly the man.. I'm some sort of staypuft flesh hybrid, and more power to me.. However, kudos to you sir and muchos gracias for the eggs and 1920s jazz tunes..

Okay, I really regret not shooting the breeze with a bunch of you.. I'm not going to name names but next time we cross paths I'm just going to corner you and talk about cup cakes and the apocalypse unitl the authorities are called..
I'll continue to ramble as my memory feeds me dribs and drabs of information in the coming days..
Thank you for a lovely time, y'all.. Let's do it again soon, perhaps not so much en masse

nye stayed in cause i was tuckered out on the couch and cbf going to cott with all my friends and drinking on the beach in the cold night air or going to a party with a bunch of scene kids acting too cool for their own skin.
so i stayed in and went to bed and i was happy with that.
christmas was relaxing good food.
how was yours?