ampersand has a rather good summary of his year in his journal.. i'm taking a page from that and will sum up my 2005..
I didn't see enough films or bands.. I worked my ass off.. I found out that meeting famous people is utterly useless unless you're asking them for advice or a job.. I got the best job ever but didn't realize it until it was over.. I had great sex that I loathed at the time and didn't realize it was great until it was over.. I freaked out Kate Bosworth.. I asked Richard Taylor for a job on HALO,, I discovered that I'm generally too angry to become depressed.. I had my first encounter with the work of J.G. Ballard.. I wrote two screenplays yet only finished one.. I met some really great people and didn't acquire their contact information.. I met some really great people whose contact info I did acquire and now they're good friends.. I culled a whole bunch of people that were not good friends.. I got yelled at in response to a film i made with questionable moral standing.. I shook Superman's hand.. I saw Mike Patton screech like a possessed demon.. I didn't read a single word of occult text.. I had numerous issues with my two best friends that are now totally sorted.. I realized that I'm usually more attracted to femme fatales that chill me out and have nothing in common with than those who I can totally geek out with..
Apologies to ampersand for cloning him somewhat but I did enjoy that entry of his..
I'm extremely scattered at the moment for whatever reason.. This has been the case for about a week now so I doubt its connection to my new year's intake.. Call it a lack of motivation, brain damage, whatever.. Call it what you will just get me the fuck out of it
I'd feel really stuck up not doing resolutions.. Elsewhere the argument was presented that why should the new year signal the choice to create a list of goals for improving oneself.. The counter argument said that because the gregorians aligned everything into time and numbers that it's a clean slate for everyone involved on this earth.. I'm taking the side of the latter..
**Instead of simply making a list I'm including the non-obligatory "I'll" to make things more personal, more positive and more determined.. (It sounds more positive, right?)
I'll get a shooting draft of MILDEW done..
I'll go on a really nice date..
I'll see more films than last year..
I'll get a band together..
I'll go overseas..
I'll write at least one new script..
I'll drink more water..
I'll channel the anger down more productive avenues..
I'll read more and tighten my currently weak stranglehold on the english language..
I'll sleep less..
8/10 or I'll off myself
Finally, it just hit me last night (with a little help from my Mark Romanek DVD) that my co-worker Chrissie looks exactly like Fiona Apple
Go cutie pies
Peace, y'all..
*insert genius here*
That is all
I didn't see enough films or bands.. I worked my ass off.. I found out that meeting famous people is utterly useless unless you're asking them for advice or a job.. I got the best job ever but didn't realize it until it was over.. I had great sex that I loathed at the time and didn't realize it was great until it was over.. I freaked out Kate Bosworth.. I asked Richard Taylor for a job on HALO,, I discovered that I'm generally too angry to become depressed.. I had my first encounter with the work of J.G. Ballard.. I wrote two screenplays yet only finished one.. I met some really great people and didn't acquire their contact information.. I met some really great people whose contact info I did acquire and now they're good friends.. I culled a whole bunch of people that were not good friends.. I got yelled at in response to a film i made with questionable moral standing.. I shook Superman's hand.. I saw Mike Patton screech like a possessed demon.. I didn't read a single word of occult text.. I had numerous issues with my two best friends that are now totally sorted.. I realized that I'm usually more attracted to femme fatales that chill me out and have nothing in common with than those who I can totally geek out with..
Apologies to ampersand for cloning him somewhat but I did enjoy that entry of his..
I'm extremely scattered at the moment for whatever reason.. This has been the case for about a week now so I doubt its connection to my new year's intake.. Call it a lack of motivation, brain damage, whatever.. Call it what you will just get me the fuck out of it

I'd feel really stuck up not doing resolutions.. Elsewhere the argument was presented that why should the new year signal the choice to create a list of goals for improving oneself.. The counter argument said that because the gregorians aligned everything into time and numbers that it's a clean slate for everyone involved on this earth.. I'm taking the side of the latter..
**Instead of simply making a list I'm including the non-obligatory "I'll" to make things more personal, more positive and more determined.. (It sounds more positive, right?)
I'll get a shooting draft of MILDEW done..
I'll go on a really nice date..
I'll see more films than last year..
I'll get a band together..
I'll go overseas..
I'll write at least one new script..
I'll drink more water..
I'll channel the anger down more productive avenues..
I'll read more and tighten my currently weak stranglehold on the english language..
I'll sleep less..
8/10 or I'll off myself

Finally, it just hit me last night (with a little help from my Mark Romanek DVD) that my co-worker Chrissie looks exactly like Fiona Apple

Go cutie pies

Peace, y'all..
*insert genius here*

That is all

You my friend...are freakin awesome!! And I'm sure a really talented drummer....i was fun

Ah today was fun. Friend request now in the ether.