Work called and cancelled my shift for today..
Public holiday pay is out the window..
EDIT: until the clock strikes midnight it's still January 2, and I haven't finished my thoughts for today..
The Machinist
The Magician
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
A Very Long Engagement
The Life Aquatic
Ong Bak
Wolf Creek
Sin City
And every one of those got a look in at the cinema apart from The Machinist, even though that happens to be my favourite
Public holiday pay is out the window..

EDIT: until the clock strikes midnight it's still January 2, and I haven't finished my thoughts for today..
The Machinist
The Magician
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
A Very Long Engagement
The Life Aquatic
Ong Bak
Wolf Creek
Sin City
And every one of those got a look in at the cinema apart from The Machinist, even though that happens to be my favourite

I'm assuming when you mention Crash as a favorite book you're talking about the "short" story. If so, I love that shit! Great story.
Anyways, sorry it took a bit to get back to you. But, here is my response!
"Tell me about Portland and if it would be a wise decision for a 19 year old confused young Australian man to move there? wink"
Wow that's tough. Portland is easily the most laid back city in all of the United States. It's fuled by left wing politics, alcohol, strippers, hippies, and enviromentalists. It's also where our beloves SG was started. Right down the street from my old apartment.
So, what I'll do is tell you what I love and hate about my home.
1: the size. This place barely feels like a city to me anymore. Seattle is a city. Portland is a really, really big town with enough people to qualify as a city. It totally has a small town feel. It's really common to see the same people over and over unlike bigger cities.
2: The weather. I hate snow, and wind. We get neither. Granted, it rains here 200 days a year and the winter seems to last for 8 months. If you like the sun, don't come here. If you like the heat, don't come here. This place is gray and rainy almost all year except the summer which is hot and muggy. Also, our summer is highly overrated as everyone says it rules. It doesn't. It's average at best. A lot of people in Portland drink, and are depressed. I think a LOT of it has to do with the weather.
3: The people. People here are friendly. Not much else to say. Portland is filled with nice people.
4: the public transportation. It's incredible. Easy to use, frequent, and diverse.
5: The women. I swear we have not only some of the most beautiful women on the planet here, they're also cool. A rare combo.
6: Geek friendly. Not much else to say there. I'm a geek, but I'm also into hot rods so I'm on a weird fringe of sub-cultures. I get pretty much everything I need here except for my hot rod stuff. Portlands car scene simply sucks. As far as comics, literature, cinema, I have everything I need.
What I hate
1: The weather. Sure, I said I love it up there. But, I also hate it. 3 years ago I recall it rained for 40 days straight one winter. That's 40 days of walking in rain. Everytime I entered class, I was wet. Everytime I went home, I changed clothes. Everytime I went to work, I put on fresh socks as the ones I went to work in were wet. Living here will cause you to build a love hate relationship with the weather. For the most part, it's cool with me.
2: Drugs. There are fucking drugs everywhere. We have one of the highest heroin od rates in the country if not the highest. We also have a horrible methamphetamine problem as most of America does as well. Meth crime is just fucking stupid. It's a given that if you live in Portland long enough, your car will probably be broken in to as long as you are in a few select neighborhoods.
3: The city is very white. Literally. Through gentrification, the city has basically pushed all people of color, out of the city and into the outskirts of the city. It's not a terribly diverse city considering what a haven it is for gay people. Portland has been said to be an incredibly gay friendly city but, a very racially divided city as well.
4: The drivers here are over courteous. I swear to God they are so nice, it is dangerous. You can walk out in the traffic on the busiest street in Portland, and people will stop for you. Blows my mind everytime I see it.
5: Sometimes I think this place is too small. I crave being in a place like Seattle, Boston, New York, or Chicago quite a bit. I grew up in a very small town in a very cowboy state. So, this place was an easy transition for me. But, I'd like to see a bit more, experience a bit more, etc...
6: Lack of professional sports. I'm not a huge sports fan, but, i still like to see live sports. We have a pro basketball team and that's it. We have a minor league socker team, lacrosse, baseball, and hockey team. The only one I go out of way tos ee is the hockey team.
7: Our job market is one of the worst in the country. I've lived here 5 years, and spent 2 of those years unemployed. Basically, unless you have a desired skillset, plan on making just above minimum wage and living in an apartment that is too expensive.
I love lists..they have been absent for a little while of's late and I'm babbling...nii-iight