well, as i said before i quit my job, but like a dumbass i agreed to help them for a few more days. i'm always a sucker for good business etiquette. But just the other day a really talented chef at a great spot downtown showed some interest about me coming to work under her. She's an amazing chef, her food is da shit. I could learn alot from her, so i'm talking to her on Friday. if i score this gig i'm gonna throw down and invite any sg members. i'm putting my house up for sale in longwood, anyone interested, 4 bed, 3 bath, pool. I'm thinking of moving to the lake eola area, any suggestions.
anyway last night after the gym i felt like getting loaded so i went to my favoritle little cigar bar in longwood, smoked a cuban i'd been saving for a while and had a couple of beers and watched american idol and the MSU/Wisc game, which went into overtime! what a combination. as i was watching these people perform on A.I i couldn't help imagining what that black panelist's head would look like on a stick. He's such a fucken tool.
soon i couldn't take much more of the madness which is the fox network and i mosied on down to my old restaurant and met my old boss and a friend for a beer. this turned into many beers and many shots of cabo wabo. For those not familiar, it's the best tequila
, and it's owned by Sammy Hagar.
. we got twisted at a new redneck bar called froggers that just opened up. The three of us looked great in there cuz if you were to look at us, me, a crazy, but yet somewhat pathetically trendy curly haired mexican, my boss Steve, a middle aged kind hearted southern boy', and my good friend jerome, a handsome black man with 25" arms that looks like he could pick up and throw a volkswagon gti through a window. We looked like the three amigos.
it was ausome, i love redneck bars with toothless women because it's a great place to people watch. And if you drink enough, the crowd begins to resemble a human evolutionary chart. But i love these folks cuz there real, honest, and sometimes will give you drugs. Hell... I got so wasted one night one lady took me home and fed me then drove me home...aint that nice
but on the other side there can be some bad apples. I remember onetime i asked a girl for a light, and her boyfriend thought i was coming on to her so he gave me shove and called me out. i did what any educated gentleman would do and punched him in the throat and hyperextended his elbow. I would of done more if my boss steve and 2 bouncers hadn't "cooled" me off. But that's what jack daniels will do to you. But now the guy loves me and always says hello, sometimes ya gotta fight somebody to earn there respect i guess. "that's the redneck code of honor" (i'm still working on that one
So i met this chick jaymie last night who was sitting across from us making out with this guy who is her ex, but is currently dating another woman. She was such a dumbass and so full of shit her eyes were turning brown. She kept telling me how none of us could afford her and that men have to pay up if they want the bootie. Well, i personally wouldn't have given her a peso for that ass. She kept telling us that he friend was taking her to eat at Seasons 52 and all this shit bla bla bla. I tuned her out after a while and focused on our very attractive waitress. things were actually going well when this muppet (jaymie), cuz she reminded me of miss piggy, got up planted one right on my lips. i got up to use the bathroom, and while i was in the bathroom she grabbed my cell off the table right in front of my "amigos
" and put her number in it.
They thought it was funny and i had to agree. We soon got our tab, " what did i break a fucking window", was all i could say. but hey, having fun is hard work.
I dropped jerome off and headed to waffle house, i was craving coffee and hashbrowns scattered, covered and chunked, and fried apple pie. it's the best dude, especially when your toasted. the thing i love about this waffle house is that i could not come in for a year, and i'll stroll in and the exact same people that worked there say, "hi isaac, hash and coffee buddy". I love it, it will always be one of my favorite restaurants nomatter what anybody says. and i've eaten at Seasons 52.
anyway, wish me luck on the interview on friday, and if all things go well, the first round will be on me for all you SG mutherfuckas. I'm out.....
anyway last night after the gym i felt like getting loaded so i went to my favoritle little cigar bar in longwood, smoked a cuban i'd been saving for a while and had a couple of beers and watched american idol and the MSU/Wisc game, which went into overtime! what a combination. as i was watching these people perform on A.I i couldn't help imagining what that black panelist's head would look like on a stick. He's such a fucken tool.
soon i couldn't take much more of the madness which is the fox network and i mosied on down to my old restaurant and met my old boss and a friend for a beer. this turned into many beers and many shots of cabo wabo. For those not familiar, it's the best tequila

it was ausome, i love redneck bars with toothless women because it's a great place to people watch. And if you drink enough, the crowd begins to resemble a human evolutionary chart. But i love these folks cuz there real, honest, and sometimes will give you drugs. Hell... I got so wasted one night one lady took me home and fed me then drove me home...aint that nice

but on the other side there can be some bad apples. I remember onetime i asked a girl for a light, and her boyfriend thought i was coming on to her so he gave me shove and called me out. i did what any educated gentleman would do and punched him in the throat and hyperextended his elbow. I would of done more if my boss steve and 2 bouncers hadn't "cooled" me off. But that's what jack daniels will do to you. But now the guy loves me and always says hello, sometimes ya gotta fight somebody to earn there respect i guess. "that's the redneck code of honor" (i'm still working on that one

So i met this chick jaymie last night who was sitting across from us making out with this guy who is her ex, but is currently dating another woman. She was such a dumbass and so full of shit her eyes were turning brown. She kept telling me how none of us could afford her and that men have to pay up if they want the bootie. Well, i personally wouldn't have given her a peso for that ass. She kept telling us that he friend was taking her to eat at Seasons 52 and all this shit bla bla bla. I tuned her out after a while and focused on our very attractive waitress. things were actually going well when this muppet (jaymie), cuz she reminded me of miss piggy, got up planted one right on my lips. i got up to use the bathroom, and while i was in the bathroom she grabbed my cell off the table right in front of my "amigos

They thought it was funny and i had to agree. We soon got our tab, " what did i break a fucking window", was all i could say. but hey, having fun is hard work.
I dropped jerome off and headed to waffle house, i was craving coffee and hashbrowns scattered, covered and chunked, and fried apple pie. it's the best dude, especially when your toasted. the thing i love about this waffle house is that i could not come in for a year, and i'll stroll in and the exact same people that worked there say, "hi isaac, hash and coffee buddy". I love it, it will always be one of my favorite restaurants nomatter what anybody says. and i've eaten at Seasons 52.
anyway, wish me luck on the interview on friday, and if all things go well, the first round will be on me for all you SG mutherfuckas. I'm out.....

Woohoo - you'll feed me?? Wow, what a guy. My last boyfriend never fed me. Which explained how I got down to 99 lbs. Of course, the drugs and drinking and diet pills exacerbated the situation. But hey, we all gotta have a good time...however, heart attacks suck ass. *sigh* oh well.
One time I got stepped to by a football player in highschool. I told him to just bring it already then. He was so shocked, he was a friend from then on.
That's funny about that girl. I told a guy that I was a professional golddigger this weekend at a bar to try and get him to go the fuck away. Didn't work. Eventually he got the hint. That girl is a whore. The hell with her.
Where are your pictures, home chicken?
I love to be able to put faces with names.