You DO owe me a beer. wink
i'm taking an extended vacation from sg for only a short time till i get situated my new flat... anyone wants t0 email me, pleade do a Izaak1313@hotmail.com. I wanna get drunk with you ausome guys and gals....peace love and chicken grease wink
the first thing i that awakens me this morning is my cell phone blaring dueling banjos in my ear, then the distinct disgusting feeling that a cat pissed in my mouth while i was asleep...oh wait, that's from being twisted drunk last night. aroung ten oclock last night at my ausome job at Hue, chef comes up to me and says, "bro, tidy up and...
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oooo, waking up alone so sucks ass. I dropped two chances with some nice girls a few weekends ago. It sucked ass...
Mmmm,I share the pain.
i finally got a night off from work. so i decided to take full advantage of it and get drunk. it was fun. all my friends were working so i just decided to go on my own. i thought it would be boring but it was actually cool.
well, its been a little while but i'm back. i can say with uncertain honesty that my week has not been as exciting as contradiction's, but we can't all be so lucky.
myself, on the other hand, have been working my ass off. im in that area where you ending one job and starting another and they overlap, this equals 14-16 hour days starting around...
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Its not that he could have left me behind. I was the driver smile. We car pool to work and since the party was after work he didn't have much of a choice. smile I want to feel sorry for him but one day it will be him passed out...
I read in SGFL that you may be at Crystal Method. I'm going with Pheagey, if you go, we should try to meet up.
ooh, ouch, loud noises hurt, well, that's what i get for slammen them down all night. lush is not the right word, but its the first that comes to mind. i'm pretty sure that i made a total ass out of myself, not really like a sloppy drunk, but more just being a stupid one i think.
for example, at this particular pub that frequent...
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One word: nice. No black eye,you walked er stagered out of the bar so it must have been kinda low key.

Anyways, about the Crystal Method show. Do you have your tickets? I have myselfanf twoothers going with me so it should be ..interesting.. in the least.
wow, your buddy nutsack. I don't want to know. wink

so anyways, when are the pics coming? I have a digi cam now, so I should take some smile
well, i got a new job today working under a great chef!!!!! so there's only one thing to do, and that is to get drunk tonight, biggrin booyaaaa!!!!!
did i mention i was getting drunk tonight?
well, as i said before i quit my job, but like a dumbass i agreed to help them for a few more days. i'm always a sucker for good business etiquette. But just the other day a really talented chef at a great spot downtown showed some interest about me coming to work under her. She's an amazing chef, her food is da shit. I...
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I LOVE Waffle House when I am loaded. Waffle, waffle, waffle....

Woohoo - you'll feed me?? Wow, what a guy. My last boyfriend never fed me. Which explained how I got down to 99 lbs. Of course, the drugs and drinking and diet pills exacerbated the situation. But hey, we all gotta have a good time...however, heart attacks suck ass. *sigh* oh well.

One time I got stepped to by a football player in highschool. I told him to just bring it already then. He was so shocked, he was a friend from then on.

That's funny about that girl. I told a guy that I was a professional golddigger this weekend at a bar to try and get him to go the fuck away. Didn't work. Eventually he got the hint. That girl is a whore. The hell with her.

Where are your pictures, home chicken? bok

I love to be able to put faces with names.
well, played the shitiest round of golf yesterday, and the whether was crap, but the good news is i'm quiting my job and getting payed today, freeeeedooooom!!!!!
Don't know much about golf, But getting payed is always good.Enjoy your freedom dude.
No work but still getting paid? Lucky bastard!
so today was a really shitty day at work, i think I've pretty much decided to quit. I'm just counting the days till i get to grad school, then my "plan", or whatever you wanna call it will begin, and I'll hopefully be on the road to some cha-ching!
but other then the shitty day, there was something else, something poking me at the back...
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i just gotta keep thinkin to myself that if I focus i'll get through this shitty work week. These goddamn pretentious chefs that I work for who think their shit don't stink and it's my god given fucken duty to blow fairy dust up their ass are making me crazy...as that too much, i never know
where are the pics, dorkhead? wink

you need to put one up.
girl i'm working on it, i swear i'm not like that fat kid with the shirt that says, "I fuck on the first date"