no matter how much you love someone, unconditional love is crap. And if you hate them, they will hate you more. You are never good enough. Nothing is good enough, anywhere. Burn them, they will hate you. Satiate them, they will hate you. You are their replacement. You are a representation of them. After awhile, they stop calling. They've found something else. And the best you can do is call your closest friends and cry until you vomit and pass out. But why should you care? Why should anyone care? If they don't love you unconfitikjfsvf FUCK ytohu this is too had hard to write. I give uyp. What, do you want me to say nothing matters? Do you want me to give in the the existentialist philodophy? You want me to be smartm thats it, right? FUCK A DOODLE DOO.FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU I HATE YOU. Whay am I writing this here?> this isn't the reality of thigs. things. This isn't who I want to yell at. I just yelled at whoever is rteading my journal.
done.l I';m done. done ith with it all. GODDAMNIT FUCK.
done.l I';m done. done ith with it all. GODDAMNIT FUCK.