Nobody reads this so I'm writing to myself. I enjoy writing to myself. I like me. I agree with myself far more than anyone else, and I don't fight much with myself. So here was my day: Vuokko woke me up this morning much in the same way my old druggie friends use to: banging on my window. I couldn't get back to sleep so I made popcorn and watched the Powerpuff Girls movie. Then my tooth split in half and I made an emergency trip to the dentist. Then I watched Venture Brothers and Degrassi the rest of the day whilst chatting with BetsyJane and napping off and on. Then Vuokko came back over and I cut her hair partially manic. Then I drank a few mini bottles of rum I stole from the Heroes Con hotel and now I'm going to watch TV until I pass out. I could be creative, I could work on video, but tomorrow I have to pick up pictures for a silly bar-mitzvah video job and then get my teeth fixed more. This is my life right now. Can I have yours? (the part where friends come over is fun, I'm talking about the not doing anything at the moment blah blah done.)