I have begun production on "El Chupacabra," after getting money via the Blumenthals. Don and I are using this to get even more money for "The Remington School Masacre." Now, I know the Chupacabra has gotten plenty of press, and he's even had his own movie, but I think that Don and I are offering his legend something that has never been put to film....
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thats great news. can't wait to hear more about it
Your profile pic kinda reminds me of dr. strangelove crossed with the video for "closer"
These pictures have nothing to do with my life.
La Madrastra is better than the entire National Geographic Channel. It's better than any television show that has ever been. It's better than Citizen Kane and Casablanca put together. It's that good. I want to be Bruno when I grow up.
Why Orlando? When?
Oh yah I forgot about the bracelet. You are way above vip because you brought La Madrastra into my life. I'm going to start watching the soup just so I can get in the loop.
And so, this is where we're at. After all this, after all that has been accomplished, this is where we're at. Understanding the human psyche, deciphering what we might call our accomplishments, our livelihoods. The deeper one reaches into the recesses of what one might describe as humanity, perhaps society, all you can find is conflict. Any which way you cut it, if you try...
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Yes, you should come, I will send you directions to your SG Email account right now!!! 

Oh my GOD. I got very drunk and hit on my waitress. It was INCREDIBLY embarassing. But she liked my red Converse. What else could I do? Ugh. I'm a fucking moron. Times two.
Hehehe. At least you didn't hit on the waitress at the diner. (Or the scary hostess. Eww...)
Okay, I know I just made an entry, but I had to add this: I was watching Dogs with Jobs on the NGC. Okay, I know, I know, hunting is bad, fox hunting with hounds is archaic, whatever. I don't care. There were like thirty dogs, running, romping, sniffing as a pack. AND THEY WERE SO FUCKING HAPPY! I was like why not me?! WHY...
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I exist... IN THE COMPUTER...
I've been watching the National Geographic Channel almost exclusively, except for when I watch Kim Possible. However, I am watching less television, which is good. NGC is the best channel ever. Where else can I learn about the holy grail, what the end of the world might look like, and the events leading up to a disastrous jet plane crash at 4am and have it...
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I'm tired of being here, I think I'll leave. Not this site, this state, where everyone I know is. I'm tired of everything, so I think I'll just up and leave. When I have money again, I'm gone. Yeah. That's a good idea.
Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time. I feel ALIVE! And the world, it's turning inside out! YEAH! I'm floating around in ecstasy, so don't stop me now! Because, I must say, I'm having a good time.
I'm, well, I'm like a shooting star, leaping through the skies, like a tiger, I dunno... defying the laws of gravity? Fuck, I'm a racing car!...
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I'm, well, I'm like a shooting star, leaping through the skies, like a tiger, I dunno... defying the laws of gravity? Fuck, I'm a racing car!...
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That's awesome that you feel great! Even if you're not. Yes, we should see the photos.
I am bored. Someone entertain me right now. This is your fault for not entertaining me. If you're reading this, it's YOUR FAULT. ENTERTAIN ME. And I don't want to put much effort into being entertained, so make sure I don't have to. WHERE DID ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP ME GO?! THEY'RE GONE!!! If I have to spend five more minutes entertaining myself by...
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Hey I IMd you like five zillion times.
I bet there are naked girls on here you haven't seen before.
I bet there are naked girls on here you haven't seen before.
I was watching Ed Wood (probably because I'm now addicted to entertainment and reliving the things that use to inspire me). There was this one scene where Johnny Depp is trying to sell the shit movie producer on Glen or Glenda and he says he can get Bela Lugosi to be in it. The producer asks 'Why would Lugosi want to do a sex change...
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I need to see that movie!
Fucking Annie made me cry. Six in the morning and she's singing Tomorrow with FDR and it made me gaddamned cry. What the hell. I love Daddy Warbucks. Goddamnit.
Bent out of shape from society's pliers, cares not to come up any higher, but rather get you down in the hole that he's in. - Bob Dylan, It's Alright, Ma
"Chocolate?! Heh..heh..." -Sloth, The Goonies
"Chocolate?! Heh..heh..." -Sloth, The Goonies