You know what? if the bible is true, then I want my goddamn rib back.
And another thing, what the hell is up with circumsizion? When and how the fuck did we decide to fucking slice pieces off our fucking baby male childrens sexual organs? did they ask me? no, they just went right ahead and snipped it right off. didnt even bother with a simple hey, do mind if we prune back your weenier a bit? And they wonder why i turned out so "abnormal", didnt even stand a chance. Well at least they dont burn girls clitorises out with acid anymore. THAT would suck ass. yay for the healthy sexuall attitudes that christianity has provided our society. thus concludes my rant.
one more thing. i fucking hate the letter Q, goddamnit!
And another thing, what the hell is up with circumsizion? When and how the fuck did we decide to fucking slice pieces off our fucking baby male childrens sexual organs? did they ask me? no, they just went right ahead and snipped it right off. didnt even bother with a simple hey, do mind if we prune back your weenier a bit? And they wonder why i turned out so "abnormal", didnt even stand a chance. Well at least they dont burn girls clitorises out with acid anymore. THAT would suck ass. yay for the healthy sexuall attitudes that christianity has provided our society. thus concludes my rant.
one more thing. i fucking hate the letter Q, goddamnit!