"Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time."
-Albert Camus
sometimes i find it unbelievable that i can look at someone's face every day and never tire of their beauty. thats how i know she's the one.
other thoughts:
new orleans, gaza strip, supreme court chief justice, and that new york woman who caught the subway pervert on her camera phone after being so elusive for nearly 10 years
-Albert Camus
sometimes i find it unbelievable that i can look at someone's face every day and never tire of their beauty. thats how i know she's the one.
other thoughts:
new orleans, gaza strip, supreme court chief justice, and that new york woman who caught the subway pervert on her camera phone after being so elusive for nearly 10 years
I hope one day to be the one for someone. For now, I'm just psyched when he notices that I shaved my head. hee hee.