"Perhaps our eyes are merely a blank film which is taken from us after our deaths to be developed elsewhere and screened as our life story." -- Jean Baudrillard
"What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." -- Hal Boyle
sometimes i feel if my life were a movie, it would be rated pg-13 and rejected for the cannes film festival. i realize how pedestrian my life is. or i should say, i am. it is depressing/unsettling and motivational simultaneously. i realize how much time and energy i've wasted on such trivial pursuits, and it also gives me a sense of urgency - to do something good. unfortunately right now, i just can not seem to figure out which direction to head and i get too distracted. i'm spinning my wheels stuck in a muddy ditch. i need to do more, something substantive, productive, so i have a worthwhile story to share...because, you know....there aren't many pumpkineaters in this world. well, at least not many worth mentioning anyways.
sometimes the thunder and lightning is comforting, and other times, terrifying.
thanks to those for the birthday wishes.
"What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." -- Hal Boyle
sometimes i feel if my life were a movie, it would be rated pg-13 and rejected for the cannes film festival. i realize how pedestrian my life is. or i should say, i am. it is depressing/unsettling and motivational simultaneously. i realize how much time and energy i've wasted on such trivial pursuits, and it also gives me a sense of urgency - to do something good. unfortunately right now, i just can not seem to figure out which direction to head and i get too distracted. i'm spinning my wheels stuck in a muddy ditch. i need to do more, something substantive, productive, so i have a worthwhile story to share...because, you know....there aren't many pumpkineaters in this world. well, at least not many worth mentioning anyways.
sometimes the thunder and lightning is comforting, and other times, terrifying.
thanks to those for the birthday wishes.
re: bombs in nowhere - you're so right about how people who live in nowhere are worried for no reason. galvagin has complained - more than once - about how messed up homeland security funds are: medium cities in iowa get as much/proportional funds as NYC, DC, SF and so on, when they have a much, much *smaller* chance of being attacked. it's a breakdown of self-interest (thanks adam smith
remember: there's always time to do something.
also- i think it's not the story which really matters, but the way you tell the story. the best stories sometimes can be utterly benign and boring and pedestrian... it's the way one tells the story that makes it magical, tragic, profound, and meaningful. and also editing. careful, careful, editing.
i think i was writing something about life as a movie... some huge, extended metaphor, the other day.
if i find an easy way to discover a direction, purpose, or meaningful pursuit, you'll be the first i share it with. i think the key is focus, which i've always been terrible at. i hear they make drugs for this, but am hesitant to look towards chemicals as the solution.
sorry if i'm scattered today. surreal experience yesterday and vivid, strange dreams last night have my head all cloudy and out of sorts...