wow! there's an oreo commercial with a cute little asian boy and his grandfather. since when has tv started using asians not named margerat cho and sandra oh?
i thought i had this brilliant idea: putting hidden microphones at every table of a chinese restaurant and having someone listen and then write a very personal fortune cookie by the end of the meal. but then i watched "i love huckabees" and wouldnt you fucking know, the director had the same idea, like years and years ago! will i ever have an original thought?
i thought i had this brilliant idea: putting hidden microphones at every table of a chinese restaurant and having someone listen and then write a very personal fortune cookie by the end of the meal. but then i watched "i love huckabees" and wouldnt you fucking know, the director had the same idea, like years and years ago! will i ever have an original thought?
You know I really do like to fight. I thought I would grow out of it. But I haven't. I enjoy it. I really do.