Life is full of anomalies. We try to find an order to all the chaos and disorder, trying to give sense to the senseless. What more is anomaly than human error?
Is it genius or insanity? Or both? Why are the genius tortured? Why is ignorance bliss?
When we want to find meaning, when we look for something beforehand, you can find what you are looking for everywhere all the time, because youll discard everything in the hopes of finding it. I tried this yesterday. I thought to myself, how many white chairs can I possibly see? Not many in the dead of winter in nyc. I saw too many to count within the first 10 minutes and gave up the exercise, and I realized they had always been there.
Its funny when you stare into the sun or a bright light your pupils contract to pinhole size. Itll also blind you. Is it coincidence that when you get high your pupils also contract to the size of pins? Is it blinding you?
The pain of one person is not comparable to the pain of the collective. Individual suffering must be sacrificed for the sake of the whole. Why?
A hero is a giant amongst people, or an ordinary person doing extraordinary things?
Love is the language of life, not numbers.
If highly ordered math and nature reveals patterns and order, is there supernatural? Number theory? Chaos theory? Physics. Are these just merely sciences religion, all built on their own creation premises?
Is it genius or insanity? Or both? Why are the genius tortured? Why is ignorance bliss?
When we want to find meaning, when we look for something beforehand, you can find what you are looking for everywhere all the time, because youll discard everything in the hopes of finding it. I tried this yesterday. I thought to myself, how many white chairs can I possibly see? Not many in the dead of winter in nyc. I saw too many to count within the first 10 minutes and gave up the exercise, and I realized they had always been there.
Its funny when you stare into the sun or a bright light your pupils contract to pinhole size. Itll also blind you. Is it coincidence that when you get high your pupils also contract to the size of pins? Is it blinding you?
The pain of one person is not comparable to the pain of the collective. Individual suffering must be sacrificed for the sake of the whole. Why?
A hero is a giant amongst people, or an ordinary person doing extraordinary things?
Love is the language of life, not numbers.
If highly ordered math and nature reveals patterns and order, is there supernatural? Number theory? Chaos theory? Physics. Are these just merely sciences religion, all built on their own creation premises?
i wish i had something important to say, but i cant think of anything.