taking a break from saving children, and cats and dogs
now i'm working here.
its not the greatest pay, but like evelyn lau said, "the truth is hard, the truth that money earned from prostitution is meaningless, fifteen dollars from a published poem could make me feel rich. That's the kind of money I earn with love..."
i love what i do, i feel it is good, i believe in it. i could sell my soul and make some serious greenbacks instead- God knows it would help right now - but at what cost?
now i'm working here.
its not the greatest pay, but like evelyn lau said, "the truth is hard, the truth that money earned from prostitution is meaningless, fifteen dollars from a published poem could make me feel rich. That's the kind of money I earn with love..."
i love what i do, i feel it is good, i believe in it. i could sell my soul and make some serious greenbacks instead- God knows it would help right now - but at what cost?
Well I can do prints of anything but thats a really old one that not that good quality so Im not sure how well it would come out, maybe I will do a similar series that will be the same but a lot better and I could tell you once its done?

but isn't being a humanitarian so much more rewarding than having the money to buy groceries?