well martin, here we are, 38 years since your assasination and we live with much more dangerous time, filled with racial injustice - one that is covert. we live in a land where our country lies to us, makes us paranoid, sends us marching to our death, and slowly robs us of our freedom. the summer of discontent you refer to has passed and the winter of apathy has arrived. but you are right to hope, to dream. even still. now seems like such a dangerous time. one that is almost as "unwise and untimely" as your jailing in birmingham. its ironic - in your small confines, you were more free than we are here. we are jailed by the wardens of capitalism and consumerism. you preached to us of nonviolence and we breed hate. you ask us to take direct action, and we play passively into the hands of the law and establishment, in such a predictable, unrevolutionary way. you taught us of civil disobedience, and we can only bark, unable to bite. you saw the vision of an america that does not still exist. maybe if you had stayed a bit longer, we would be closer to that dream. i hope, martin, that you are well. wherever you are. in looking back to you, help us look forward to completing the task.
eh? lol- sorry. i have no clue what the "jmz" is. am i retarded?
haha- i guess i could ask for more than that, but why?
umm... i'm in the east village area. i'm more an N, Q, R or W girl. haha