Yeah, back to school tomorrow! It seems that I had too much to achieve and too little time on my hands, since, I mean, I DID have to do nothing for a while and enjoy the holidays. Christmas was kind of lame, but I did get a lot of cool things. For instance, a sweet boom stand for my studio lights, so I'll be able to light up my scenes from up high, like so (and better next time):
Which makes me realize I haven't posted a picture of myself for a while, see how long my hair is!
It's insane how I don't know what to do with that much hair. But it's winter right now so I need the warmth, and it took a while to grow, so I'll keep them long still. But I'm sure that when summertime comes, I'll get enough of it and cut it off. It's too much to handle! I usually prefer my hair short and easy to manage. Oh well! I'll enjoy it while it's there I guess.
Here I also am, with my cool new dress, receiving a gift certificate to buy more books (fuckin A):
Finally the best about the holidays was:
- I got to play a few of my million board games with my boyfriend, brother and friends;
- I discovered a LOTR card game and it's really really fun, my boyfriend and I have been playing almost every night;
- I got to see some good friends, which I can't really do during school;
- I got to see my dearest friend, who's studying in TO and came back for the holidays (I had drunk selfies, but they're horrible so you won't see them).
So I guess that's that. Also, I won't forget to wish everyone the best for 2014. If 2013 sucked for you as much as it did for me, let's hope this one gets better. I'm very much looking for all the new beautiful sets we already have in line for the year, and I'll be certain to give my feedback to the best of you gals out there!
- P -
OOOH ooh what's the game? My dude and I have been enjoying Innovation and he intro'd me to Dominion recently- not sure if you are still in MTL but if you want to meet up in Feb when I'm in town and play games (the 4 of us) that could be kinda awesome. Otherwise let's compare game notes? :D Did you start picking out your xmas books yet (which ones?) or are you still on your to read pile? :)
O, the same question as @Mneylu, what's the name of the LOTR card game?