YEES!! At last, school's out! AND, as some of you requested, I did indeed kick school's butt. In fact I kicked it so hard, it's probably gonna be sore for a week or two.
This year was very very long indeed, we're finally done with the repercussions of the huge tuition fees strike of last spring. Well, on the school calendar anyways.
SO now, let's say hello to the summer, to new opportunities, and soon enough, to the folks of Toronto, where I'll be spending a week mid-may (that's pretty soon!).
Any thoughts or wishes for the summer? I, myself, will wish you to spend some quality times with friends, family, lovers, and to have fun in a variety of activities, wether expensive or free.

This year was very very long indeed, we're finally done with the repercussions of the huge tuition fees strike of last spring. Well, on the school calendar anyways.
SO now, let's say hello to the summer, to new opportunities, and soon enough, to the folks of Toronto, where I'll be spending a week mid-may (that's pretty soon!).
Any thoughts or wishes for the summer? I, myself, will wish you to spend some quality times with friends, family, lovers, and to have fun in a variety of activities, wether expensive or free.
It's almost summer in Canada, that means loads of music festivals! Good times and lots of great bands on the circuit again this year.