Well... it seems I'm getting out of work for a while. Nobody cares about family pictures around january or february, so basically I've got to get out of there until at least march. Which means I'll be suffering a lot, considering my boyfriend doesn't work a lot either these days. Since the holidays, he's been working once, a 5 hour shift. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.
They proposed me to go with the unemployment benefit, but I know I'll never be able to get enough money from them. I'll probably try to get another job for the next 2 months, but who the hell could want me for that much? I'm starting to feel a little worried about all this. I have needs, like all of you, and it sucks to know I'll be poor again. Well, what do you know. Wish me luck.
Next week, it's the christmas party at my job, though, with free booze and all, so if it's the last time with them for now, you'll be sure I'll get myself drunk until I'm numb, or more likely until I puke and feel bad all night.
They proposed me to go with the unemployment benefit, but I know I'll never be able to get enough money from them. I'll probably try to get another job for the next 2 months, but who the hell could want me for that much? I'm starting to feel a little worried about all this. I have needs, like all of you, and it sucks to know I'll be poor again. Well, what do you know. Wish me luck.
Next week, it's the christmas party at my job, though, with free booze and all, so if it's the last time with them for now, you'll be sure I'll get myself drunk until I'm numb, or more likely until I puke and feel bad all night.
Hope you can find something that suits you.
Things will go better, there are some times when everything goes against everything we planned but eventually it'll go back to normal... try to hold on!!
lots of love
ya plein de monde ce tmps ci a qui ca arrive...
mais au moins t'es en sant.....
Laisse moi te renconter le dernier jour de travail a mon ancienne job
....un jour je me suis foul la cheville en me rendant au travail....
j'arrive en retard....je commence a travailler.....au bout d'une demie heure plus capable de marcher.. l'infirmiere arrive a mon lieu de travail m'examine me donne un billet de taxi pour me rendre a la clinique la plus proche...avise ma patronne.
Ma patronne dit au tel attends je dois lui parler.
Elle arrive avec la DG me pousse sur ma chaise a roulettes jusqu'a la salle de confrence.
Elle me dit .....t'es tout le temps en retard on est pas satisfait de ton rendement t'es encore en retard a matin pis la tu quitte parce que t'as mal a la jambe....voila c'est assez ...voici ta lettre de congdiment ...signe ici.....prend un carton vide ton bureau et bebye!
je me fais escort par un gardien de scurit a la sortie...et pouf .....en plein centre ville incapable de marcher avec un carton sous le bras.....
L'hostie de fini en costard sur Peel qui bouette en pleurant ..avec son carton sous le bras..llol stai beau a voir.
mettons que ca t une mauvaise journee....lol