Don't forget this friday!!!
Fun with me and Ges! Come encourage my friend Nathan for his party and my boyfriend
Entheogen as Plonasme and hear the great music! And don't miss Venetian Snares in Mtl!! If you do, I'll give you a big kiss.
Ok ok, you can't read, I know. The infos you can't read on the bottom are the places where you can buy tickets, so there:
Psychonaut: 154, Prince-Arthur e.
Sound central: 2071 St-Denis
Diabolik: 257 Mont-Royal e.
Atom Heart: 364 b Sherbrooke e.
I may have to mention it starts at 9 pm and it lasts all night long!
Fun with me and Ges! Come encourage my friend Nathan for his party and my boyfriend
Entheogen as Plonasme and hear the great music! And don't miss Venetian Snares in Mtl!! If you do, I'll give you a big kiss.
Ok ok, you can't read, I know. The infos you can't read on the bottom are the places where you can buy tickets, so there:
Psychonaut: 154, Prince-Arthur e.
Sound central: 2071 St-Denis
Diabolik: 257 Mont-Royal e.
Atom Heart: 364 b Sherbrooke e.
I may have to mention it starts at 9 pm and it lasts all night long!
c'est super beau, mais je le ferais pas. surtout que celle l, est vivante.avant que quelqu'un me squish une pieuvre dessus.....