I'm studying hard on whether I oughta catch a bus to Denver to pitch my commercial idea. I don't know if they're looking for funny ideas or not. I'll yap with the old man about it. See what his wrinkly ass thinks. We both think the idea is mighty funny. But what the hell do we know.

I hate the basement. We're hanging doors tomorrow....
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We primed and textured the basement today. I've never had so much fun in my life. Tomorrow we paint.

Had to babysit tonight while Mike and Sarah attended a Christmas party. Six hours. And little buddy had a fever too. He slept for twenty minutes. We cried the rest of the time. I had to babysit his little ass for four hours earlier this week....
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Studies have shown instead of London Bridges Falling Down,
that London Calling by The Clash sooths the savage baby almost instantly. biggrin
We got back last night. The trip up was alright. Spent the night at the Academy in Colorado Springs. We went to Rocky Mountain National Park the next day. Sarah and I had never been. Mike spent 5 years in the Springs so he's been several times. Most of the roads were closed but it was mighty pretty. We had fun. The change in altitude...
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National Park my ass.... I know where you went in Wyoming....

Shall we play a game Joshua. How about Global Thermonuclear War....

I don't have HBO but my brother is all over Deadwood. I always wanted to see Rome. Is it any good. I probably should spring an extra $15 a month for it. Any luck with the ladies on your adventures. Chicks dig puppies and babies ya know. wink
Going back to South Dakota in the morning. Or today, I guess. I held the baby past midnight. He slept all day so he's not tired at the moment.

I got to talk to my little sister on the phone today. That was fun. She spent Thanksgiving with the folks at the Blanche house. Dad wants me back down there. More sheetrock work. It's not...
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In Texas now. Looking at houses with Mike and Sarah and the baby stinker. Even hough the Air Force hasn't decided if he's gonna be sent down here or not. Staying with one of Mike's buddies. Slept on a concrete floor last night. My air mattress must've had a hole in it. Mike kicked me and put the baby on the floor with me this...
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Did you say Texas. Take a look around there my friend for a lovely little tex-mex girl. Just like in the song. This was one of my dad's all time favorites.

Going to Tejas in the morning. House hunting. Just in case the Air Force decides to move bro down there. Taking the baby with us, of course. It's midnight and his little ass is being fussy. Won't go to sleep.

I'm gonna try like hell to hammer out the pesky Boston movie while we're down there. NFL.com is having a Super Bowl commercial contest. I...
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Almost finished the basement today. At least the sheetrock part of it. I don't mind working down there by myself. But Mike gets stressed out easily and his mood takes a turn for the worse. The basement is the bane of his existence. I've gotta mud and tape the bathroom tomorrow.

Been working on a blues song instead of the boston movie. Maybe I can...
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Lisa's gone back home. She hugged me at the airport. blush

She's a lovely woman. But I still think she talks funny.

It's snowing right now. Looks like it'll snow all night. Or morning. Whatever. Been a long day.

I haven't talked to the old man in a while. We need to talk about the movie shit. See if he's heard anything out of the LA...
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hmm.... falling for your sister in law's sister.... how very tennesseean of you.... wink i am kinda jealous of the snow. walking in the snow at night is a beautiful thang. i have gone so far as to set up a bunch of different files for different chapters or vignettes or whatever. unfortunately, most of the files lie empty. why is it so much fun to write when you should be doing something else and yet when you set aside time to write it becomes work and tedious. lack of discipline is what they call it.

i was curious to know what % of your writing is by hand as opposed to the computer. i find it much more productive to scribble things by hand. many times i end up deleting the directionless ramblings that flow from this evil keyboard. i guess if it were easy, stephen king wouldn't be so creepy looking. eeek wink

oh and when are ya gonna get that youngen to work. there's spacklin to be done and it is pretty much like the silly puddy and playdoh we had as kids. biggrin
Lazy day today. Didn't work on the basement at all. Ran a few errands. We all went on base to watch a B-1 take off at night. It was cool. The baby was crying a little bit. I took him out of his car seat and burped him. Lisa burped him too. She actually laughed tonight. I made her laugh. Holy shit. I've never tried...
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Pretty fun weekend. Worked on the basement. Got a lot done. We all piled into the car and drove around on Saturday. Drove past Rushmore. Went to the needles. That was fun. I peed in the woods twice. All the rest areas were locked. And I've got a tiny tank. blush

We parked on a dirt road near Crazy Horse and watched the sunset. Neon orange....
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I'm an idea man Chuck, I get ideas, sometimes I get so many ideas that I can't even fight them off!

OK, here's an example. Watch out, stand back.
[speaks into tape recorder]

This is Bill. Idea to eliminate garbage: edible paper. You see, you eat it, it's gone. Eat it, it's out of there!

This is Chuck to remind Bill to SHUT UP!