Nice nugget... wink He does have his little hands in a fist doesn't he... biggrin
Baby had an appointment today. So I got to go along and sit in the waiting room. They had SpongeBob on so I was okay. Baby pissed on me for the third time while we were giving him a bath. In the kitchen sink. He pissed on my foot. Sarah didn't think he did it. She thought he splashed me. I know the difference between...
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Got pimped into going to the mall. On a Saturday. Stood around for an hour and a half while Mike was getting his hair cut. And it was raining like a sumbitch too. Got back to the car and the baby started crying. Would not stop. So I kind of hated the world for a minute or two. God I loathe the mall.

Working on...
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The world needs dumbasses too... wink

here is a diamond in the rough that i really dig....
anthony quinn is awesome and costner is well... costner
Mike's home. He's been in Vegas for the past ten days or so. It's good to have him back. Sarah and I were getting a little stir crazy cooped up in the apartment with the baby.

Dad's got the drawings for my patent done. But he needs me to get everything else in order. It's a pain in the ass. The forms are complicated and...
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music is far too subjective to make recommendations... and i'm not into much new music as i am satisfied with my present collection... i recently tossed all my cd's after downloading the ipod... you can check my top ten music section and ask me about anything that jumps out at you...

here is a list of some obscure movies that i dig as i imagine you have seen most....
robert duvall and richard harris... duh...
Pedro Aldomovar... awesome director... english title is " tie me up, tie me down"
this is a good flick... robert downey jr at his downey-ist
you have probably seen it but if not it is a must...
these are some of my all time favorites....

DO THE RIGHT THING - great cinemaphotography
JFK - stone at his finest fairytale telling
CLERKS - the original, indie genius
SNATCH - quintessential brit humor
FARGO - duh, coen bros., william h macy
TRAINSPOTTING - the heroin trip
RAISING ARIZONA - coen bros. at their most asburd, brilliant
MENACE TO SOCIETY - blows away boyz n the hood, omar epps is da man
FOUR WEDDINGS & A FUNERAL - hugh being hugh
RIVER'S EDGE - ultimate teen rebellion flick
OFFICE SPACE - beavis and butthead creator, need i say more...
SCHINDLER'S LIST - liam neeson, ben kingsley and ralph feines... fuck's sake
THE PRINCESS BRIDE - one of the best movies ever made....
THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT - watch in a pitch black room at 2am... sweet...
SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT - spike lee at his bare minimum, hilarious
STAND BY ME - pure nostalgia
A FISH CALLED WANDA - americanized monty python
48 HOURS - the true buddy flick, nick nolte is over the top but it works
FRIDAYS - sittin around and doin nothing.... this is perfect
HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER - i prefer it to good, bad and the ugly... which is quite a compliment

Haven't gone out much lately with the ice storm and all. Talked to dad for quite a while today. He's having fun with the squirrels back home. Patching holes in the attic. And taping up chewed wires. I can see why he would want to kill them. But I like the fuzzy rascals.

The mookster's getting married this March. I'm gonna be there, of course....
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usually the groom's boyz are ushers so i think you are in the clear....

i would make up some business cards and some small samples of your scripts to hand out to the honeys... wink a lot of those tennessee girls are lookin to go to hollywood i would imagine... ooo aaa

it wouldn't hurt to put your arm in a sling and hold that baby with the other arm and the ladies will flock to the sensitive man... biggrin
Been sick here lately. Sick of the physical kind. Sat in the ER until 4 am a few days ago. Baby had an upper GI infection. He's better now. And Sarah and I are feeling better. That's a good thing.

Been trying to get an idea patented. A million dollar idea. I was telling mom about it over the phone. She said, "I thought you...
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Christmas was weird. There were a shit-ton of people in Sarah's grandma's house. Close to twenty all day, every day. I skipped supper one night just to get some alone time. Alone time with the baby in the other room. I think most of Sarah's family didn't like me. No big deal. I'm an asshole. So I'm used to that. frown

Didn't get much for Christmas....
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Buck up little soldier for it's a brand new year and I have every intention of kicking some serious ass this year and if you don't keep up I will rain down on you or reign down on you. Either way it won't be pretty. wink ooo aaa
Still in Texas. Christmas in Arizona. Driving down Thursday. All Sarah's family. Gonna be weird. Her sister will be there. Maybe I can charm her a little bit. Move up from noxious to tolerable in her eyes. Those coal black eyes of hers. smile

Nah. She's nice. I just get nervous around her. I try too hard. End up looking like a giant, trembling ass. She's...
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I see old habits die hard. Seriously, all you do with the kid and Sarah can't hook you up or at least talk you up. Keep it in the family is my motto. wink Wait... that doesn't sound too good does it. Look at that, I went all Tennessee on ya for a second. biggrin Ouch.... That is unfair. I apologize. I actually went all West Virginia. Big difference. Well, a difference at least. ooo aaa Things must be pretty hectic judging by your lack of sg time. Hope you are least getting some good material out of your adventures. Later.
We made it to Texas. Trying to find an apartment. Although I don't know how long I'm gonna be sticking around. I don't wanna leave Sarah alone with the baby while Mike's in weapon school. That would suck for her. 'Cause the Air Force is gonna be flogging Mike like a mule for the next six months. We'll have to see. We brought my boat...
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Got pissed on by the baby today. Sarah got hosed twice. The little shit monkey grins after he does it. Gonna be busy the next few days. Gotta get ready to move everything down to Texas. Gonna spend Christmas in Arizona more than likely. I wanna see the petrified forest. And maybe Mesa Verde. And Big Bend. Probably won't make it to the "big ditch"....
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