Yep. My dad and I are going to a big screenwriting expo in LA this October. My nephew's gonna hatch in the middle of that month. Then we're flying our asses to California to sit in on some seminars and what not. Then we can pitch our ideas to actual producers and studio turds. We want to finish the boston pig before we make the trip down there. Dad wanted to do a GD drama to show my versatility. And it's taken me three times as long as anything I've ever worked on. It'll be a good one and I'm proud of it. But real life shit gives me a headache. I am using my older brother as a model for the cold-blooded contract killer in the movie. So that's a lot of fun. I'm trying to make it as realistic as I can. I'm not dumbing it down. No car chases. No pointless fisticuffs. Just lots of shower scenes involving lots of gorgeous women playing meaningless satellite roles.
"A Night's Repose" is what I'm calling it. Even though dad's the only one who uses the real title. After we're done with it we're gonna work on the TV series about his childhood in Mississippi. It'll be funnier than shit. And it could also be very serious. Depends on how they want it. If they want it. I think it'll be a lot of fun to work on them with the old man. Even if the cock-holsters don't want it, we'll still have the memories of all the good times spent writing it. But memories don't pay the bills. And that won't feed the bulldog. I've gotta take my ass to bed. byebye

"A Night's Repose" is what I'm calling it. Even though dad's the only one who uses the real title. After we're done with it we're gonna work on the TV series about his childhood in Mississippi. It'll be funnier than shit. And it could also be very serious. Depends on how they want it. If they want it. I think it'll be a lot of fun to work on them with the old man. Even if the cock-holsters don't want it, we'll still have the memories of all the good times spent writing it. But memories don't pay the bills. And that won't feed the bulldog. I've gotta take my ass to bed. byebye
normally, my envy would tarnish the gold above but at the moment it has morphed into gratitude for the inspiration.... at least to give this puppy a workout....
let me know if you need a towel boy for the aforementioned shower scenes....