Little bro and his wife had their baby. She was only 3 pounds 13 ounces so she had to stay in the hospital for a week or so. Little bro was able to come back from Iraq for a few weeks to be with his new family.
The rest of us were working on the house. Trying to get the kitchen fixed up. I forgot...
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The rest of us were working on the house. Trying to get the kitchen fixed up. I forgot...
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Wow. Been a long time. I don't know where to begin. Had fun on the cross-country trip. Took a lot of cool pictures. Been in Tennessee since September. I miss the baby something awful. He's walking now and he has eight teeth. He's so cute I could just eat him alive. His teeth are great. And white.
Little bro got married. They're expecting a girl...
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Little bro got married. They're expecting a girl...
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Leaving next week on a cross-country camping trip with big bro, his wife, and the shit monkey. We're gonna hike around as many national parks as we can until we get to northern California. We'll spend a week there and then make our way back down. Gonna hit the redwoods, death valley, king's canyon, bryce canyon, mesa verde, zion, grand canyon, petrified forest, and a...
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Won twelve bucks on a Texas lotto scratch card. I am the man.
Been thinking about my beloved movie a lot lately. I'm gonna stop talking badly about it and calling it names. Dad hasn't called in a long time. He told me last time that some folks from William Morris have been sending him emails. They want to look at the Boston movie. That...
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Been thinking about my beloved movie a lot lately. I'm gonna stop talking badly about it and calling it names. Dad hasn't called in a long time. He told me last time that some folks from William Morris have been sending him emails. They want to look at the Boston movie. That...
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I trust from your inactivity here that the creative juices must be flowin. Writing a paragraph or so the other night for the first time in like forever charged me up enough to make some bullshit promise to myself to have a completed first draft by the end of the summer. Too bad this isn't the 60's so I could just climb aboard an open box car and ride across the country scribbling my madness without the fear of being raped, stabbed or abducted into a groovy cult.

I can't get my brain to work. I hate my brain. Sometimes I like it. Sometimes a lot. But I hate it now.
It gets sweaty here at night. My head hurts and I feel like I'm missing spring in tennessee. The grass is always greener...
I don't get depressed very often. I just feel especially worthless tonight. My shitlump of a movie is giving...
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It gets sweaty here at night. My head hurts and I feel like I'm missing spring in tennessee. The grass is always greener...
I don't get depressed very often. I just feel especially worthless tonight. My shitlump of a movie is giving...
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I'm back home until Friday. Been working on the yard and playing with the baby. I'm clearing out thorns again. Not the most fun I've ever had.
Little sister is married. I was an usher. It was nice. Got to see some aunts and uncles and cousins I hadn't seen in a while. The DJ played the music way too loud. My head hurt all...
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Little sister is married. I was an usher. It was nice. Got to see some aunts and uncles and cousins I hadn't seen in a while. The DJ played the music way too loud. My head hurt all...
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i was so gonna joke " one of your cousins isn't the groom is he " and then i thought that would be too stereotypical and then you say that your aunt is hitting on you.
music can never be too loud...

music can never be too loud...
so i was a little confused at first to your location.... i see you have crossed that threshold where dakota is your home now and not tennessee...
no pig talk in this entry.... good to see you are enjoying other things in life...
no way the departed should have won the oscar.... leo for best actor maybe not best film... later....
He is adorable! Glad you had a good birthday! 

Saw "The Departed" today. I was a little worried it would be too similar to my boston movie. It wasn't. It was a mess in my opinion. I thought it was good. Not great. Several of the scenes seemed pointless and forced. Like when Sheen and Marky Mark confront Jack. What the hell was that all about? Seemed to me like they cast the movie...
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Well, the patent paperwork has been submitted. I hope there aren't any problems. Like somebody beating me to the punch. That's the only thing that worries me. But for the most part it's a load off my mind. Patent cost 75 bucks. A lot cheaper than I thought it'd be.

$75 for a million dollar idea is a pretty good investment. Let me know when you go public. With the dividends I can finally make the honest, thought provoking, insightful film I've always wanted. Of course, I'll have to cut out all the scenes with the little people and farm animals.

I wish like hell that I knew something about patents. Dad and I are gonna try to finalize all the paperwork this weekend. That'll make me very happy and relieved. I hope nobody beat(s) me to it. It's a million dollar idea. At least I hope it is. ha ha
I made the baby laugh after supper. I was jumping out from behind the couch...
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I made the baby laugh after supper. I was jumping out from behind the couch...
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